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Published: 02 October 2023

Irvine Fullarton - April 2023 – Community Confidence Survey Key Findings

Report Summary

This report outlines key findings from the joint SPA and Police Scotland survey conducted as part of the first phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Irvine Fullarton.

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Changes/Views on Local Police

At the time of taking the survey, the majority of respondents (88%, n=44) had not noticed any change in how local policing had engaged with Irvine Fullarton in the last 6 months.

When asked to further explain their response to the question (n=7), several respondents identified that due to lack of visibility, presence, or observable patrol it was not possible to identify any changes to policing engagement in the last 6 months.

When asked if their view of policing locally had changed in the past six months, 84% (n=42) of respondents said that their view had not changed.

Many qualitative responses (n=13) reflected that generally there is a lack of visible policing within the area. Some respondents noted that inaction in relation to anti-social behaviour had impacted their opinions on policing. Bad previous experience as service users was also noted to be a cause for changing perceptions of local policing, and one response noted that recent nationwide scandals had impacted their confidence in policing.

Q14: A key part of this project is focused on understanding why people may be less confident in policing in the area. Please let us know below the things you think may impact confidence.

There were 34 responses to Q14. Anti-social behaviour was a notable theme, with respondents highlighting they felt it has increased recently. Young people in local areas like the mall or the beach were noted to be causing distress to respondents, with inaction impacting confidence. Many respondents noted that there is perceived high levels of drug-related crime and drug dealing in the area which they felt impacted confidence. In addition, a lack of visible response/justice impacting confidence was a theme in some responses. For instance, some respondents felt as though they had not seen an appropriate police response to the reports of crime they had submitted.

Numerous responses picked up on the idea that having no visible presence or a lack of visibility in the community can impact confidence levels. Some respondents also identified that confidence can be impacted by having a negative experience with the service as a user.

The national picture was also felt to impact confidence, with some respondents noting that the police have similar budget problems as many other public sector organisations, and felt the potential impacts of this may impact confidence. Nationwide policing scandals were also thought to impact confidence such as recent news and media outlets reporting on scandals and stories from beyond Scotland.

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Community Confidence Action Research

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