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Published: 23 August 2023

Internal Audit reports - 31 March

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of the internal audit report on organisational learning.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

ARAC 31 March 2023

Date : 31 March 2023

Location : online

Further detail

Compliance arrangements – PAVA Spray and Airwave Terminal Units
(full report at Appendix A)

Police Scotland assurance and risk management practices highlighted potential issues around the storage and auditing of PAVA. On this basis Police Scotland proactively requested for an internal audit review of this area.
Police Scotland use sensitive and high-risk equipment that require careful supervision/oversight including Airwave communications units and chemical irritant sprays such as PAVA.
To comply with statutory and regulatory requirements, it is essential that there are robust arrangements to track and report on the issue and use of this equipment.

Internal audit findings:
Arrangements for PAVA were underdeveloped and did not support effective monitoring of compliance. Most notably, overall responsibility for oversight of PAVA has not been assigned.
Significant issues were identified relating to the safe and consistent storage and issue of PAVA spray canisters, and the accuracy of stock records.
Issues were identified relating to safe storage of Airwave terminals and lack of formal governance arrangements to ensure that issues identified from monthly audits are appropriately addressed on a timely basis.

Summary of recommendations:

Police Scotland agree with the findings and recommendations identified within this audit and have provided details of how they plan to address the recommendations.

SPA conclusions:
The report demonstrates that a number of improvements are required, particularly in relation to PAVA. Police Scotland was aware of weaknesses in these areas and proactively sought an internal audit. This demonstrates a mature approach to continuous improvement.
In this case Police Scotland has provided the following overarching management response:

Our internal assurance and risk management practices highlighted potential issues around the storage and auditing of PAVA. To this end we volunteered this area to be audited alongside an existing risk relating to Airwave to assess the extent of the issues, effectiveness of risk mitigation and as a catalyst to improve.
As highlighted within the report, there is a lack of ownership and governance around our storage and auditing practices. We have assigned Strategic and Tactical ownership to oversee a whole system review of PAVA. Regular progress reports and issues will be monitored via a Short Life User Group comprising all stakeholders. A comprehensive Improvement Plan is in place which has been risk assessed to tackle the priority areas with identified milestones to deliver early improvement.
As you will appreciate, undertaking a review of this scale and establishing new ways of working will take time, particularly where there are many stakeholders involved and changes to guidance and training. Although our target timescales appear far out, we will be making early changes and delivering against our milestones. The end target date represents when we expect to have all evidence to demonstrate improvement but we do expect to deliver earlier than planned.

Staff Absence and Modified Duties
(full report at Appendix B)

The overall absence rate in 2021/22 was 8.1% for Staff and 8.3% for Officers; an increase from the prior year.
Modified duties enable those who have a disability or are recovering from illness or injury to either remain at work or aid the return to work. In November 2022 there were ~2,000 Staff and Officers on modified duties.
The service has recognised increasing number of modified duties, with an internal review undertaken.

Internal audit findings:

Good practice
Robust Attendance Management Procedure are in place.
Process documents available to provide guidance on recording absence.
Modified duties is a supportive good practice approach.
A Duty Modifications Task Force (DMTF) was set up to review the end-to-end process of duty modifications.

Areas for improvement
Attendance management procedures are not consistently followed.
Line manager training does not adequately cover attendance management and is not widely available to all.
Analysis found instances where modified duties had extended longer than anticipated timeframe.
Need for review of content of absence management reporting information.

Summary of recommendations:

Police Scotland agree with the findings and recommendations and have provided details of how they plan to address the recommendations. Of note all recommendations are anticipated to be completed by September 2023.
Note:- as People and Development provide a ‘service back’ for SPA, the recommendations will be implemented by PS only.

SPA conclusions:
The review provides assurance that there are appropriate procedures in place. The level of absence and staff/officers on modified duties highlights the importance of appropriate management to support staff/officer wellbeing and supporting delivery of organisational objectives.

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