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Published: 15 March 2023

Internal Audit Reports - 17 January 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of the Internal Audit Reports.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 17 January 2023

Date : 17 January 2023

Location : online

Organisational Learning


Organisational learning is the process by which an organisation improves itself over time through gaining experience, using that experience to create knowledge, and transferring that knowledge within the organisation.

The internal audit was an advisory-style type review, reflecting the relative infancy of work in this area, and lack of pre-existing, defined processes for organisational learning.

The scope of the audit focused on arrangements within Police Scotland only.

Internal audit findings:

There is a range of organisational learning activity taking place across Police Scotland focused strongly on the identification of learning.

A variety of different activities are taking place such as debriefs, lessons learned exercises, post-implementation reviews and third party and internal scrutiny reports that provide rich sources of learning.

Supporting processes for the subsequent retention and transfer of that knowledge are relatively less well developed with a lack of alignment and inconsistency between the approaches adopted.

Elements articulated within Police Scotland’s outline organisational learning framework, developed to underpin the BJC Case for further work, already exist in some form within the organisation.

Police Scotland should prioritise the recommendations relating to the implementation of actions arising from organisational learning, making use of existing governance pathways and systems where possible.

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