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Published: 17 April 2023

Independent Review of Complaints Handling – Police Scotland Update - 1 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Complaints & Conduct Committee with an overview of the Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing – Police Scotland Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 1 March 2023

Date : 01 March 2023

Location : online

Ongoing Actions

Recommendation 5 – Diversity Data Public Reporting – Expansion and Reporting

The review asked Police Scotland to consider expanding the collection of diversity data and the publication of information in order to enhance understanding, and public understanding, of attitudes and concerns in different communities.

The Data Owner Group and Data Working Group are now established and will assist to progress this and associated actions. A health check of the Professional Standards Department IT system, Centurion, has been carried out and an upgrade to the system is now being progressed with a view to upgrade/improvement in respect of capturing diversity data. A short life working group is in the process of being established to progress a further upgrade in 2023. The upgrade to Centurion will allow diversity data to be collated for future use to better understand the profile of complaints, make better comparisons and identify trends.

The Professional Standards Department has been working in collaboration with COPFS, PIRC and the SPA to ensure consistency in the gathering and analysis of diversity data throughout the complaint and conduct journey. This has been used to inform the initial upgrade required.

There are a number of steps required from an ICT perspective, prior to the first upgrade being carried out, to ensure that our internal systems can support the changes. ICT testing is now complete and the system is now subject to pre-production departmental testing and any issues reported to ICT for investigation and resolution. Once complete, this will be confirmed with the provider, whereupon the functions of the upgraded system will be added into pre-production for further testing and implementation of Police Scotland specific workflow groups and legislation.

The final phase is a training programme for all users prior to system upgrade.

A Data Assurance Co-ordinator took up post in November 2023; their remit will include the capture, analysis and reporting of diversity data.

Recommendation 11 – Sergeant Workload and Supervisory Ratios

The review asked Police Scotland to examine the workload of the Sergeant rank at the front line and the supervisory ratio of Sergeants to Constables in order to create sufficient capacity for management, coaching and mentoring duties.

The report on the rank ratio work is complete. This is now subject to a separate action plan with agreed ownership. ACC Mairs is leading and a Working Group is in place comprising action owners. A review cycle is in place for monitoring progress with interim updates required for November and January. An update is to be provided to SLB in February where it is expected that the recommendations will be complete and can be discharged.

In addition to the rank ratios work, there are 2 further recommendations that will support the full implementation of this recommendation once complete.

Undertake a training needs analysis of core line manager skills for both newly and recently promoted sergeants and consider a refresh of such for officers in the rank; and
The Local Policing Service Delivery Review Team are to undertake a more detailed review of workload, role profile and skills of the frontline Sergeant.

Recommendation 18 – Independent Review of Equality Matters within Police Scotland – Pending – No further action required from Police Scotland at present

The review asked that Police Scotland be the subject of a broader, fundamental review of equality matters by an independent organisation.

An Independent Review Group has been established to provide critical oversight of equality matters, guide strategic direction and scrutinise activity. HMICS previously indicated that they would not close this recommendation until the IRG report on their findings.

The IRG were originally due to report in September 2022 but due to delays will now provide a full report to SPA by end of 2023.

Meanwhile, Police Scotland has progressed to strengthen our approach to EDI with the establishment of the EDI & HR SOB. In September 2022, Police Scotland published the Policing Together: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Implementation plan.

As a result of the above, an updated Evidence Submission was sent to HMICS to consider closure but rejected until such a time that the IRG report on findings. There is no further action that can be taken by Police Scotland at this time and will be discussed at the next Strategic Oversight Group in February 2023 to confirm next steps.

Recommendation 19 – Diversity Data Collection and Analysis

The review asked Police Scotland to develop its diversity data collection and analysis to inform a proper understanding of issues related to discrimination.

Data Ownership Group and Data Working Group have been established within PSD to, amongst other terms, examine data requirements and ensure systems are fit for purpose in respect of their capacity to capture diversity data (Centurion Database). This will continue to link in to the work of EDI groups to ensure data capture is relevant across the organisation. Further collaboration is ongoing with SPA, COPFS and PIRC in order to align the data that each organisation captures and ensure that information collection and analysis is meaningful and informative. The Centurion SLWG is in the process of being established to progress a further upgrade in 2023 which will further enhance its capability in identifying trends and analysis to drive improvement across the organisation.

A Data Assurance Co-ordinator took up post in November 2023; their remit will include the capture, analysis and reporting of diversity data.

Recommendation 60 – Complaints Demographic Analysis

The review asked Police Scotland to collect and analyse data to undertake demographic modelling and gain a better understanding of different groups and communities’ experience of the police service.

As detailed in recommendations 5 and 19, PSD has established a Data Ownership Group and a Data Working Group. A review of Centurion has taken place and work ongoing with the product suppliers and Police Scotland to ensure the system is ready for upgrade.

This will allow the capture of demographical data and enhance the organisation’s understanding of complaints across communities, allowing analysis and proactive approach in the overall Policing Together initiative and the Preventions & Professionalism Programme.

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