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Published: 25 September 2023

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme Quarter 1 2023 Report - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme (Quarter 1 2023) Report.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Review Findings

During the reporting period the majority of the visits conducted were physical face to face visits to Police Scotland Custody Suites. Throughput during April - June 2023 was 27,897 (males 21,789, female 4,948, unknown 9 and 1,151 children).

• A total of 257 visits were attempted with 1221 persons being detained in custody at the time of these visits.
• 19 of these visits were carried out via telephone monitoring.
• Of the 1221 persons in custody at the time of visit 545 (45%) were offered a visit. (108 females, 426 males and 1 older child (f), 7 older children (m) and 3 younger children (m)
• 391 persons in custody were seen by an ICV (32%) (67 females and 314 males, 1 older child (f), 6 older children (m) and 3 younger children.
• 197 (16%) persons in custody were not available at the time of visit.
• 154 (12%) persons in custody declined the offer of a visit.
• 9 visits had to be abandoned, all of which were face to face visits and 2 were marked as unsatisfactory.
• Out of the 257 visits 237 (92%) were recorded by ICVs as positive regarding custody staff/ officers.
• 1 Legalised Police Cell activation was reported and recorded.

OPCAT concerns

During the 255 successful visits there were no recorded concerns relating to torture and inhumane treatment. However there still remains a significant issue with regards to offering and providing persons in custody with suitable washing or shower facilities. Out of 31 issues raised relating to washing and showering, 8 remained outstanding as officers and staff were unable to accommodate the requests.

One case was highlighted where ICVs had noted an individual with obvious issues relating to hygiene and a wash or shower was not offered or facilitated.

For noting: The Care and Welfare SOP section 35 washing/ shaving – where an arrested person is to be detained in custody for more than a full day, they must be offered facilities to wash and/or shave at least once per day.


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