Report Summary
This report provides members of the People Committee with an update on ill health retirement and injury on duty approvals made by the Authority under delegated approval to the Chief Executive. This was presented for discussion at the meeting on 29 August 2024.
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People Committee - 27 November 2024
Date : 27 November 2024
Location : Online
Further Detail
Ill Health Retirement / Redeployment
Applications for retirement on the grounds of ill health (IHR) are determined under Regulation A20 of the Police Pensions Regulations 1987. This allows the Authority to determine if an officer ought to retire on the grounds that they are permanently disabled for the performance of their duties as a police officer. In considering whether a person is permanently disabled, Regulation H1 of the 1987 Regulations provides that the Police Authority shall refer certain questions to the Authority’s Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) who shall provide a report with their determination.
Before receiving the documentation from the SMP a robust process is undertaken within Police Scotland to consider the capabilities that have been determined by the SMP as permanently disabled and if any redeployment opportunities exist. Whether any opportunities for redeployment have been identified is contained within the report that is submitted to the Authority with comments and a recommendation provided by the Director of People and Development (on behalf of the Chief Constable as permitted by the regulations).
The table below presents information on the number of cases presented by Police Scotland, which have been considered by the Authority in the period 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.
The Authority has approved 22 officers for ill health retiral in the first 6 months of 2024-2025, with 4 officers being redeployed into suitable roles in Police Scotland. Within the same timeframe in 2023-2024, 42 officers were ill heath retired and 8 were redeployed.
Injury on Duty
Applications for Injury on Duty (IOD) awards are considered in terms of the Police (Injury Benefit) (Scotland) Regulations 2007. Regulation 30 of the 2007 Regulations provides that, where a police authority is considering whether to grant an IOD award to an individual, it should refer questions to the SMP.
Subsequent to the receipt of the documentation from the SMP, Police Scotland complete their administration process which includes requesting comments from the ex-officer and completing the ‘Police Authority Report – Injury on Duty Award’ form. Once complete this form is sent to the Director of People and Development for comment prior to its onward submission to SPA.
The table below presents the information on the number of cases presented by Police Scotland, which have been considered by the Authority in the period 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.
The Authority has approved 14 applications for injury on duty in the first 6 months of 2024-2025. Within the same timeframe in 2023-2024, 40 applications for injury on duty were approved.