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Published: 14 August 2023

Identification of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in the police estate - 9 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Resources Committee with an overview of Identification of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in the police estate.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Resources Committee - 9 May 2023

Date : 09 May 2023

Location : online

Action taken across the Police Estate

The identification of RAAC in Fettes led to an immediate review of the buildings that were built, or had extensions/renovations undertaken during the period of time that RAAC was widely used in the construction of buildings. This resulted in 65 locations across the country being identified as potentially containing RAAC. A process was developed for visual inspection to identify whether RAAC was present (which was then validated by a structural engineer). Where the initial visual inspection confirmed suspected RAAC or where it was inconclusive, structural engineers attended those locations and undertook a further detailed visual inspection.

This assessment work concluded during the week commencing 1 May, and the results were as follows:

Outcome of assessment Number of locations
RAAC not present 62
RAAC present 3
Total assessments undertaken 65

RAAC has been identified in Fettes (as per above), Perth and Baluniefield in Dundee. In Perth, RAAC is limited to one small area of the site and has been graded as ‘green –low risk’ by the structural engineer. In Baluniefield there are two areas impacted – one of which has been graded as Red Critical, and as such we have moved people out of the affected area. The other area in which RAAC is present has been graded as Medium – and no immediate action is required. We are arranging for the structural engineers to attend Baluniefield over the next few days to undertake an intrusive survey in both areas to identify the required remedial works necessary.

In conclusion, this issue has been dealt with swiftly and there is no risk to officers, staff or visitors at any of the police estate across the country. The prevalence of RAAC across the estate has been fully quantified. In the limited places where RAAC has been identified the estates team is working with the structural engineers and business areas to identify longer term solutions.

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