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Published: 30 July 2024

ICVS Annual Report 2023-24

Report Summary

This ICVS Annual Report for 2023-24 explains the activities of independent custody visiting volunteers. Custody visitors check on the treatment of detainees across Police Scotland's custody estate to ensure their welfare and human rights are being met which is consistent international standards. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 June 2024

Date : 11 June 2024

Location : online


I am pleased to introduce this year's Annual Report, highlighting the vital work of our Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs). These committed individuals generously devote their time to ensure the rights and entitlements of people held in police custody are respected and upheld.

This year’s report underscores the Independent Custody Visiting Scotland’s (ICVS) continued commitment to upholding human rights and providing oversight of Police Scotland custody. I am encouraged to hear ICVs noting the positive progress that Police Scotland have made in the provision of custody services over the last year. This includes examples of improved training for custody staff and progress in partnership working
arrangements to enhance the support available to vulnerable people when they are held in police custody. The report does however acknowledge local challenges and issues relating to custody provision, many of which continue to relate to the condition of the custody estate.

The Scottish Police Authority continues to invest in the development of Independent Custody Visiting in Scotland. Over the last year we have taken a significant step forward in the digitisation of the service, which will see ICVS moving from a predominantly paper-based system to real-time digital evidence gathering and sharing. Not only will this deliver efficiencies but it will also support quicker identification and resolution of any observations that ICVs make when visiting custody facilities.

I was also delighted that following an extensive review process, ICVS were awarded Gold level from the Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA) for their Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). This level represents a significant milestone for ICVS and outlines the quality and the standard of the scheme in Scotland.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our team and all custody visiting volunteers in Scotland.
One of our volunteers, John, achieved a milestone 750 number of visits which no other has achieved in Scotland. Well done John! Visitors feedback and observations are essential in providing oversight to those held in police custody across Scotland. Thank you for your continued commitment and contributions.

Dr Catriona Stewart OBE
Scottish Police Authority

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