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Published: 09 September 2024

HMICS Thematic Inspection of Organisational Culture in Police Scotland - Improvement Plan - 29 August 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Police Scotland’s planned improvement activity in response to findings of the HMICS Inspection of Organisational Culture.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2024

Date : 29 August 2024

Location : Online


Financial Implications

There are no direct financial implications associated with this report although there will be additional financial resource to support some of the changes as detailed within the Improvement Plan. These have yet to be fully identified and quantified.


Personnel Implications

There are personnel or resource implications. There will be resource requirements associated with managing the improvement plan and implementing changes, but these have yet to be fully scoped within the improvement plan and overall governance framework for overseeing progress with the Improvement Plan.

Our ongoing communication and colleague engagement framework will be critical to measuring the success of our improvement.

Improvements focus on improving colleague engagement, addressing perceived inequalities between staffing groups, supporting staff through organisational change and creating more positive workplaces through addressing grievance.


Reputational Implications

There are reputational implications in this report. Failure to make change and show improvement will have reputational impact. Our robust governance structure will ensure that progress is made against the identified deliverables and all milestones are achieved. There are escalation processes in place to identify issues at the earliest opportunity to ensure change is made, measured and sustained.


Community Impact

There are community implications in this report. However, implementing the recommendations from the baseline assessment will provide a consistent, proportionate and balanced response to operational decision making. Human rights based approaches will flow through all aspects of policing enhancing trust and confidence within communities enhancing our legitimacy.


Equalities Implications

There are equality implications in this report. Implementing the recommendations will contribute towards improved equity between staff/officer groups and positive working environments. The refresh of the Policing Together Strategy and the ongoing programme of work to become an anti-racist and anti-discriminatory service also contributes to removing inequalities within Policing.

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