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Published: 13 March 2023

HMICS Thematic Inspection of Hate Crime – Police Scotland Improvement Update - 16 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Improvement Update on the HMICS Thematic Inspection of Hate Crime.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 16 March 2023

Date : 16 March 2023

Location : online

Progress Against Improvement Recommendations

Progress in relation to some of the strategic recommendations from HMICS has previously been assessed as dependent on the incremental rollout of the COS crime system.  The impact of this remains open to regular review when driving this work forward.

The Plan has so far secured the closure of recommendations 1, 4, 7, 9 and 11, with recommendation 12 being submitted for closure via Evidence Summary Form (ESF).  The remaining recommendations have progressed as outlined at Appendix A.

Progress made against each of the open recommendations contained within the Plan is summarised in greater detail in the table at Appendix ‘A’.  Also within this table (in red) is a proposed adjustment in the timelines for actions 2, 3, 5, 6 and 13 for consideration.

Appendix B highlights some of the previous benchmarking exercises which have been undertaken from organisations and forces across the UK ensuring that the work being undertaken is informed and current. The examples provided are illustrative of the engagement being undertaken ensuring that best practise is being utilised and woven into our existing policies and practises enabling us to be confident that our approach to meeting the HMICS recommendations is the correct one. Additionally however it shows that Police Scotland is leading the way across many fronts such as Hate Crime Advisors which have been deployed frequently in recent weeks to great success, a capability that other forces currently do not have but are keen to adopt. Going forward further benchmarking opportunities will be explored, especially in areas such as Third Party reporting. The SLWG established to re-invigorate the Third Party Reporting scheme is keen to benchmark against not only work being undertaken by police forces, but organisations such as Crime Stoppers who have gained significant public trust and credibility in this area and whose knowledge will be invaluable.

Other opportunities from out with the UK are beginning to develop following on from engagement via the IDIU. The World LGBTQ conference for criminal justice professionals recently held by Victoria Police, in Australia has facilitated engagement and networking opportunities with a number of international police forces, such as New Zealand police who are held with high regard within the LGBTQ community.

A meeting with AIC Hargreaves from HMICS was held on 17 January 2023 and an update was provided on each of the outstanding recommendations. HMICS are supportive of the approach being taken. HMICS have highlighted that the wording of the recommendations is key and that activities such as Third Party Reporting require to be reviewed, not completed. It is on this basis that ESF’s will be submitted. No additional issues or actions were identified by HMICS.

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