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Published: 15 March 2023

HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's People Committee with an overview of HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning – Improvement Plan & developing the next SWP. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Executive Leadership

Since April 2022, work to improve the SWP evidence base and workforce data as well as responding to the HMICS Assurance Review of Strategic Workforce Planning (August 2022) has been led by the Director of Strategy & Analysis. However as we now move to formalise planning for the development and delivery of the next SWP over the coming year, Executive leadership of delivery will transfer to our People & Development function. The Director of P&D will assume responsibility for delivery plan development and oversight which will be reported to People Committee in the coming months. The new Director of P&D is undertaking a review of work in progress across the SWP function and will keep the SPA People Committee sighted on the development of the plan for the next SWP. This plan will be shared with SPA officers in July 2023. The Director of Strategy & Analysis will continue to lead on the development and annual refresh of the Workforce Strategic Assessment (STRA) going forward.                          

Police Scotland’s second SWP (2024 – 27) will be developed collaboratively during 2023 at a time of continued challenges around budget availability. The SWP will be a 3 year plan of action and implementation that sets out the various different workforce related work-streams and associated delivery timescales that respond to our workforce insights and wider evidence base. Regular updates will be provided to SPA People Committee on the SWP development plan during 2023 and milestone delivery within the second SWP itself from April 2024

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