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Published: 15 March 2023

HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's People Committee with an overview of HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning – Improvement Plan & developing the next SWP. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Analysis of Recommendations

Recommendation1 – The position on 17234 FTE officers is accepted from both an SPA and Police Scotland perspective and will be articulated within strategic documents moving forward. The future development of the workforce is picked up in the actions around subsequent recommendations and areas for development. This is low risk.

Recommendation 2 – This action is accepted. Work to develop a set of design principles and parameters that involve senior staff will be pickup in the refresh activity described below in the improvement plan around the development of the next iteration of the workforce plan. There is however significant activity planned in terms of Priority Based Budgeting that may impact on the design of the refresh methodology and the delivery of this recommendation. Careful design of the approach will therefore be required to ensure the extent of this recommendation is met. Until this takes place there is a medium risk attached to the delivery of this recommendation.

Recommendation 3 – This action is accepted. This is medium risk.

Recommendation 4 – This action is accepted. New structures already in place will in the main fulfil the requirements of this recommendation. This is low risk.

Recommendation 5 - This recommendation is accepted and it is anticipated will be delivered within the stated timescales. Work is already ongoing in this respect with the Strategic Assessment of Workforce due to be published shortly. This is low risk.

Recommendation 6 – This recommendation is accepted. Work is already underway in this area that will improve data analysis and provision. The recruitment and retention of data scientists remains challenging and as such there is an inherent risk around this recommendation. That said, significant progress can still be achieved regardless of that resource. This is medium risk.

Recommendation 7 – This recommendation is accepted. The development of STRA and the Workforce STRA will contribute significantly to the development of future scenarios that will be considered in the SWP. This is low risk.

Recommendation 8 – This recommendation is accepted and is on track for delivery. This is low risk.

Recommendation 9 – This recommendation is accepted. There is currently a high volume of organisational activity ongoing within Police Scotland managed through the newly formed Resource Prioritisation Group, Change Board, Senior Leadership Board and various project Boards. Work is ongoing to understand interdependencies with his activity and bring this work together into a programme of workforce change. Whilst this is complex it is considered achievable and is low risk.

Recommendation 10 – This recommendation is accepted. The processes to manage this recommendation are already in place within Police Scotland and the SPA. This is low risk.

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