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Published: 15 March 2023

HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning - 28 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's People Committee with an overview of HMICS Review of Strategic Workforce Planning – Improvement Plan & developing the next SWP. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 28 February 2023

Date : 28 February 2023

Location : online

Alignment with Strategic Direction

When the current Strategic Police Priorities (SPPs) were agreed in December 2019 the Scottish Government set out that they would remain in place for a period of 6 years, with a plan to consult with the SPA, Police Scotland and local authorities, the key partners specified within the Act, at the 3 year midpoint.

The Scottish Government published and laid in Parliament the updated SPPs on 26 January 2023. The revised SPPs are as follows:

Crime and Security – prioritises prevention, detection, investigation, equality and human rights to support positive criminal justice outcomes; responds to threats, and maintains public order, both locally and nationally. (Unchanged).

Confidence – continues to inspire public trust by being ethical, open, transparent person-centred and trauma informed; maintains relationships and engages with local communities, to build a positive reputation at a local, national and international level.

Partnerships – works collaboratively with key sectors to keep communities safe, sharing a collective responsibility to deliver preventative services that improve outcomes for individuals and communities, increase resilience and address vulnerability.

Sustainability – adapts resources and plans for both current and future social, economic and financial circumstances considering equalities perspectives and the environmental impact of policing and its operations.

People – values, supports, engages and empowers a diverse workforce to lead and deliver high quality services, with a focus on workforce development, equality, inclusion and overall wellbeing.

Evidence – uses evidence to innovate and develop services which address the current and emerging needs of individuals and local communities, and ensure that resources, capacity, insight and skills are in the right place to deliver outcomes.

The SPA / Police Scotland Joint Strategy for Policing is required to be updated following review of the SPPs, where there are substantive changes. Consultation on the refreshed strategy begins in February 2023 and finalisation is expected in May 2023. The second SWP will take account of the direction set in that Joint Strategy and will make commitments to action around workforce change and development to fulfil that strategic direction, not least around ensuring the right balance between civilian and officer roles across the workforce and ensuring that police officers do not occupy roles which are best fulfilled by civilians. 

Since the first Police Scotland People Strategy was developed in 2018, where and how we work has changed significantly, alongside the expectations and requirements of our people. As work progresses to refresh the People Strategy in the weeks ahead (with delivery expected in Summer 2023), continued flexibility for colleagues as well as organisational agility to respond to challenges and opportunities on the horizon will be critical, as well as understanding and providing effective organisational responses to the evolving demographics within society.

During 2022, Police Scotland developed Policing Together – our first Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. Policing Together articulates work underway to develop a culture which reflects the values of integrity, fairness, respect and commitment to upholding human rights.

The refreshed People Strategy will in part reflect the priorities set out within Policing Together, particularly as it relates to delivering a supportive and inclusive organisational culture our people need to flourish and thrive with the knowledge they are welcome and valued for their true and authentic selves. It will also be critical for the refreshed strategy to reflect and accommodate the people related impacts within Police Scotland’s other enabling strategies – Cyber, Public Contact and Engagement, DDICT, Estates, Fleet and Environment - to enable colleagues to best serve the public.

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