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Published: 02 October 2024

HMICS Improvement Update - 18 September 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of recommendations from HMICS Inspections on Online Child Sexual Abuse, Crime Audit 2020, Hate Crime, Contact Assessment Model, Domestic Abuse and Mental Health Demand.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 18 September 2024

Date : 18 September 2024

Location : online

Domestic Abuse

Total Closed Ongoing – on track Ongoing - delayed
13 3 4 6


There have been two recommendations discharged by HMICS since the last update – Recommendations 3 and 4.  Recommendation 12 is proposed for closure and submitted to HMICS for consideration of discharge. 

We have improved the service to victims and survivors and equipped our officers/staff with skills to improve the assessment of needs when contacting the police in relation to matters of Domestic Abuse. We have achieved this through the

  • introduction of THRIVE for better assessment of threat, risk and harm at first contact.
  • delivery of a comprehensive training programme for C3 aimed at improving standards of service, particularly in relation to risk assessment of vulnerability at earliest opportunity.
  • greater collaboration between C3 and Public Protection, evidenced through case studies and exercises built into training.
  •  improved governance over attendance policies for domestic related crimes/incidents.
  • improved scrutiny of incidents and crimes and assessment of quality of service and investigation from end to end.

In relation to our SOLO (Sexual Offences Liaison Officers) cadre, we have reviewed our operating policies and increased the cadre to provide more resilience to meet demand and support the wellbeing of those performing the SOLO role. This has yet to be reviewed by HMICS for discharge. 

Contributing to Outcome 2 - The needs of local communities are addressed through effective service delivery; and 
Outcome 4 – Our people are supported through a positive working environment, enabling them to serve the public. 

Progress since the last update

We understand our compliance in relation to allowing victims and survivors to nominate gender preference for interview officers. Full compliance can only be achieved through system automation which is planned in future phases of COS delivery which is causing this recommendation to be delayed.
We have undertaken an assessment of training, introduced self-directed CPD modules covering a wide range of activities to improve understanding of responsibilities, but this will require further online packages to be produced in order to be assured that this essential training is undertaken and to measure our peoples understanding.

We have improved our processes for communicating with and contacting victims and survivors in relation to domestic abuse and an evidence submission is currently being prepared to submit to HMICS.

Challenges and Risks

There is significant IT related work regarding COS and the enquiry module (Gender Preference), domestic abuse ‘to trace’ packages, as well as action management and investigation more generally which is delaying these recommendations. However, progress is being made to implement shorter-term changes to UNIFI, updates to guidance and the creation of Power BI dashboards to promote greater consistency and more effective governance of “to trace” packages.  An update to iVPD (an additional victim safety planning tab) is also at the stage of being tested for fitness for purpose with a plan to roll it out nationally.

Although interim training has been provided it remains the intention to formalise this. Some of which will be picked up and addressed through ongoing training reviews but also as part of wider reform by the Public Protection Development Programme and partnership working to deliver Trauma Informed Training.

Significant internal collaboration around processes especially for diary car crewing policy, promoting gender preference and C3 – despatch policy and time limits for domestic abuse related incidents is delaying completion but we are quite advanced with the work.

There are significant programmes of work ongoing that will positively impact the service in relation to Domestic Abuse relating to Public Protection Development Programme, Modernising Contact and Engagement Programme and the implementation of our commitments within the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy which are being managed along with the changes here. 

Although some actions are tracking slightly behind schedule, we are making good progress and committed to completing evidence submissions for the remaining recommendation before the end of the calendar year. 

The risks relating to these recommendations relate to the service provided to victims and survivors to ensure effective recording, assessment of risk and robust investigations are carried out by trained staff. 


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