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Published: 13 March 2023

HMICS Crime Audit 2020 – Police Scotland Improvement Update - 16 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Improvement update on the HMICS Crime Audit 2020.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 16 March 2023

Date : 16 March 2023

Location : online

Progress Against Improvement Actions

Substantive progress on implementation of the 6 strategic recommendations from HMICS is largely dependent on the incremental rollout of the National Crime System (due to be complete by December 2023) and the work which was to be undertaken by the Force Middle Office Restructuring Project (FMOR) in relation to the creation of combined Crime and Incident Management Units (CIMU) within a regional tiered structure.

As of 31 March 2023, following a resource prioritisation exercise, the existing Force Middle Office Remodelling Project (FMOR), will be closed and resources have been allocated to the Local Policing Service Delivery Review. The remaining FMOR resources will however partially address HMICS recommendation 3 (draft guidance document detailing the business rules and process requirements of key fields within COS UNIFI) and recommendation 6 (draft quality assurance processes).

The closure of FMOR means however no decision has yet been made with regard to future of CIMUs and their resourcing model which currently sit within local policing budgeted establishments.  While this does allow flexibility around resourcing, particularly in relation to the use of officers on duty modifications, autonomy remains with the individual Divisional Commanders in relation to resourcing levels and ancillary functions. 

The ongoing programme of Data Integrity Audits by the Police Scotland Crime Registrars continues, alongside the rollout of the national crime system. The findings and required mitigations from these audits, so far undertaken in A, D, N and P Divisions are actioned with improvements monitored through the Crime Audit Tactical Group and Strategic Crime Audit Group to ensure appropriate oversight and direction.

The Crime Registrars have recently completed a full SCRS Audit in D Division, with a report being prepared for the local SMT and Audit and Risk Board.

Progress made against each of the 5 open recommendations contained within the HMICS Report is summarised in the table at Appendix ‘A’.


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