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Published: 13 March 2023

HMICS Assurance Review of PS Contact Assessment Model Inspection - Police Scotland Improvement Update - 16 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Improvement Update on the HMICS Assurance Review of PS Contact Assessment Model Inspection .

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 16 March 2023

Date : 16 March 2023

Location : online


The HIMCS report (HMICS Assurance Review of Police Scotland Contact Assessment Model) contained 8 recommendations:

Recommendation 1

Police Scotland should demonstrate that the management of Local Policing Appointments ensures the public receives a consistent level of service across Scotland.

Recommendation 2

Police Scotland should broaden the training and support provided to service advisors, by including inputs from specialists, to enable them to better consider investigative opportunities, vulnerabilities and engagement within their THRIVE assessments.

Recommendation 3

Police Scotland and the SPA should capture the failure demand rate through the C3 and force performance framework and outcomes, to ensure the quality of service delivered to the public through CAM is monitored.

Recommendation 4

Police Scotland should review the working practices and training within the Resolution Teams, particularly in relation to direct crime recording, to provide a more victim-orientated approach and to reduce the number of crime reports being returned to Local Policing Divisions or to other areas for completion.

Recommendation 5

Police Scotland should take steps to ensure staff within Area Control Rooms, Service Centres and Resolution Teams are diverting incidents to partner agencies, whenever that agency is better placed to deal with the incident.

Recommendation 6

Police Scotland and the SPA should progress the engagement with Scottish Government and other strategic partners to ensure service users are being supported by the most appropriate agency.

Recommendation 7

Police Scotland must improve the resilience and capability of its core police ICT systems to ensure C3 Division staff have efficient access to the information required to perform their roles.

Recommendation 8

The SPA and Police Scotland should put in place measures to monitor progress against the areas for development outlined in this assurance review.