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Published: 13 March 2023

HMICS Assurance Review of PS Contact Assessment Model Inspection - Police Scotland Improvement Update - 16 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Improvement Update on the HMICS Assurance Review of PS Contact Assessment Model Inspection .

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 16 March 2023

Date : 16 March 2023

Location : online

Areas for Development

The HIMCS report also detailed 5 Areas for Development (AFD):

Service Delivery

Police Scotland should implement a refreshed communications and engagement plan for Local Policing officers and staff, and for local partners, to ensure the CAM model is understood and that experience is being shared as required.

Police Scotland should ensure that where Local Policing Appointments are used in more complex public protection areas of work such as domestic abuse, they should occur as soon as possible following the report of an incident. It is also essential that any such appointments are met, to avoid, where possible, the victim disengaging.

THRIVE assessments

Police Scotland should include THRIVE training on the First Line Manager and Operational Command training courses.

Police Scotland should ensure that when an incident is being transferred to another department, a thorough THRIVE assessment should be provided, along with the rationale for the incident being re-graded.


Police Scotland should capture the number of incidents dealt with in their entirety by the Resolution Teams, through the C3 performance framework and outcomes, to ensure their impact on reducing demand in Local Policing is monitored.

Partnership working

Police Scotland should establish indicators that will measure the effectiveness of its partnership working arrangements in relation to delivering CAM benefits.


C3 Division should seek to improve staff survey submission rates, to reap the maximum benefits.

Police Scotland should continue to enhance a culture of learning and continuous improvement among its officers and staff.

Police Scotland service advisors and C3 Division staff should receive enhanced mental health training, including awareness of the Distress Brief Intervention.