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Published: 25 September 2023

HMICS Assurance Review of Hate Crime – Police Scotland Improvement Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of HMICS Assurance Review of Hate Crime – Police Scotland Improvement Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Progress Against Improvement Recommendations

Some recommendations have previously been assessed as dependent on the incremental rollout of the COS Crime system.  The impact of the potential implications of this remains subject to regular review and consideration when driving this work forward.

The plan has secured the closure of recommendations 1, 4, 7, 9 and 11.  The remaining recommendations are being progressed as outlined in the Plan with revised timelines. 

The revised timescales and an update on progress have been discussed and agreed with HMICS.  These were also shared and approved by the Policing Together Tactical Group in August 2023. 

Alongside the HMICS Recommendations, the implementation of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act remains a key priority within PPCW Division and the development of a training package for officers to support the introduction of the legislation is nearing completion.

The implementation of training is now supported by a Delivery Steering Group, pulling together key internal and external partners.  A multi-staged delivery plan encompassing online training, digital face-to-face training for supervisors, crime registrars and others, and face-to-face frontline engagement has been submitted for consideration of the force executive.  It is anticipated that this programme will commence in the next 6-8 weeks and delivery of the training is now ahead of schedule.

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