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Published: 01 May 2024

HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan and timeline - 7 May 2024

Keywords : COPFS Section 4 section 5A

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of the HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision – Improvement Plan and timeline. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensic Services Committee - 7 May 2024

Date : 07 May 2024

Location : Online

Further Detail on the Report Topic

On 13th July 2022, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Scotland (HMICS) published the Terms of Reference for their Assurance Review with the aim to ‘assess the state, efficiency and effectiveness of the arrangements in relation to the processes which are in place for obtaining, analysing and reporting toxicology samples obtained for Section 4 and Section 5A Road Traffic Act 1988 cases’.

HMICS has concluded their detailed Assurance Review and published their report on their findings on 25th April 2023.  HMICS made 25 recommendations for improvement, highlighting a number of key areas including strategy, planning, process, management, reporting, scrutiny and prevention in relation to drugs driving.

In response to the publication of the HMICS report, Forensic Services, SPA and Police Scotland developed action plans to address the recommendations where the organisations were the identified Action Leads.

Good progress continues to be made in terms of Forensic Services, SPA and Police Scotland addressing the recommendations, with three recommendations being closed by HMICS.

Detailed updates were provided to the Forensic Services Committee on 30 October 2023 and 5 February 2024.

Since the last date, further progress has been made in relation to the recommendations, with updates provided to HMICS in February 2024 and April 2024.  A further update will be provided to HMICS during June 2024.

The appendix provides a summary of updates regarding recommendations since the previous report to the Forensic Services Committee.

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