Financial Implications
There are financial implications in this report, specifically the additional staff associated with the Forensic Services Operating Model, the review of the processes with a view to reducing / reclaiming costs, the review of current and future procurement of drug driving analysis outsourcing to ensure best value and the development of the business cases for Core Operating System and the Long-Term Sustainable Solution.
Personnel Implications
There are personnel implications associated with this paper, specifically the recruitment of staff associated with the Forensic Services Operating Model, the review of workload and work allocation with Criminal Toxicology team and the development of the business case for the Long-Term Sustainable Solution.
Legal Implications
There are legal implications associated with this paper, specifically any cases which could not be pursued to prosecution, any potential change in the legislation to allow reclaiming of costs associated with drug driving activities and the development of the business cases for Core Operating System and the Long-Term Sustainable Solution.
Reputational Implications
There are reputational implications associated with this paper, specifically any drug-driving cases which could not be pursued to prosecution.
Social Implications
There are social implications associated with this paper, specifically the impact from drug-driving and seeking to gain a better understanding of the scale and nature of drug driving in Scotland (also in combination with drink driving).
Community Impact
There are community implications associated with this paper, specifically the impact on communities from drug-driving and seeking to gain a better understanding of the scale and nature of drug driving across Scotland (also in combination with drink driving).
Equalities Implications
There are no equality implications in this report.
Enviroment Implications
There are no environmental implications in this report.