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Published: 09 October 2023

Health & Wellbeing Report (Q1 2023-24) - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Health & Wellbeing Report (Q1 2023-24). 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Preventative Measures

The Health & Wellbeing Programme continues to place a real focus on prevention and continue to advance the work in relation to two key preventative measures. An overview of the approach and the future implementation of the measures is provided below:

• Your Wellbeing assessment to remain open to all, and whilst not mandatory the assessment must be firmly embedded within the My Career process with consideration to other organisational BAU processes also being made i.e. return to work, attendance management and capability.

• The Health and Wellbeing team are currently developing a ‘Scope Development Request’ which outlines the features we would like to see embedded within the process.

• The team have also been in conversation with Optima Health regarding a ‘My Wellbeing Check’ digital tool which would expand the focus to the physical and social aspects of health and wellbeing as well as the psychological.

• HWB are also consulting with the My Career SPOC cohort on the implementation of the new measures. There are 30+ from across all divisions/business areas so it’s a great platform for testing and implementation.

• The Resilience Assessment evaluation and review is currently focusing on the analysis and review of existing data set. This analysis is looking to identify the effectiveness of the tool itself and how the success of implementation of the tool across the organisation.

• Operation Lewintrick Support - The Health and Wellbeing team have been providing guidance and support for Operation Lewintrick, the UCI Cycling World Championships. HWB have supported the Operation through the completion of a HWB operation matrix assessment. This matrix takes a holistic view of the event and the determinants to health and wellbeing at play. A preventative approach can then be taken ensuring that timely and appropriate health and wellbeing support is in place throughout with KPI’s created to monitor and evaluation this provision.


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