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Published: 09 October 2023

Health & Wellbeing Report (Q1 2023-24) - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Health & Wellbeing Report (Q1 2023-24). 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

HWB Learning, Training & Development

Our ‘train the facilitator’ programme delivered by Lifelines Scotland is up and running. The programme will expand our capacity by 61 officers and staff to continue to deliver crucial Lifelines resilience, self-care and post trauma support training through a Police Scotland and peer support lens. The 61 facilitators are at the final stage of the programme and should be ready to deliver sessions within their own areas within the coming weeks. All organisational areas are represented within the cohort with a spread of officer rank and staff roles.

As part of the ‘Your Leadership Matters’ programme, the People Manager Development Programme (PMDP) has been developed and piloted in Q1 of 23/24. As mentioned previously a core aspect of the programme is a dedicated Health and Wellbeing module which is designed to emphasise the importance of supporting our people and ‘Promoting a Positive Workplace’. The PMDP involves two days of training for people managers. The training has been piloted across CJSD, OSD, LP North, and with a group of Superintendents over the last 12 weeks. An evaluation of this pilot is currently underway with some early top line outcomes from the spotlight session which focuses on Health and Wellbeing highlighted below.

• Participants are asked to rate the sessions on a scale of 1-10
o Health and Wellbeing – 8.35

• Participants are asked whether they feel the content of the sessions are relevant to them and their role.
o Health and Wellbeing – 96% Strongly Agree

• Participants are asked whether they will be able to apply the knowledge, skills, and understanding in their day job.
o Health and Wellbeing – 96% Strongly Agree

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