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Published: 09 September 2024

Health and Wellbeing Programme Action Plan 29 August 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with oversight of the Health and Wellbeing Programme approach and action plan moving forward.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2024

Date : 29 August 2024

Location : Online

Further detail on report topic

Evaluation and Review Insights and Recommendations - Independent Review of Police Scotland’s Health and Wellbeing Programme (Thrivewise)

The purpose of the independent evaluation, undertaken by Thrivewise specialists in organisational health and wellbeing, was to address a key challenge in evaluating and assessing the impact of an ever-evolving health and wellbeing offering on the workforce and the organisation as a whole. The independent evaluation helped to bridge this gap by ascertaining the appropriateness and effectiveness of the current health and wellbeing approaches for the workforce of Police Scotland / SPA and to provide expert insight and guidance. The evaluation aimed to ensure that the wellbeing offerings continue to move in a direction that is beneficial for Police Scotland / SPA, while also laying down a framework for ongoing assessment and improvement.

To evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of Police Scotland's health and wellbeing programme, insights were gathered against five interdependent themes (Explore and Embed Framework) that together produce a sustainable and mature approach to workplace wellbeing. These themes are:

  • Aligning to thrive – building the narrative of aligning wellbeing and productivity in your organisation.
  • The importance of dialogue – achieving continuous development through listening, imagining, piloting and evolving.
  • Proactive approach – building the will and finding the time to set out on a positive path to wellbeing.
  • Sharing the load – enlisting the involvement of senior leaders, people-focussed professionals and the wider workforce in your wellbeing efforts.
  • discerning eye – reviewing all progress against key principles.

The key recommendations to emerge from the review are summarised below:

• Recommendation 1 - Develop and implement a detailed action plan that translates the strategic aspirations of Police Scotland's wellbeing initiatives into specific, actionable, and measurable steps. This should include timelines, designated responsibilities and clear indicators of success.

• Recommendation 2 - Explore options for introducing a wellbeing survey or pulse check to enable more timely and actionable feedback on wellbeing needs.

• Recommendation 3 - Further leverage the power of peer support that already exists in the workforce for facilitating dialogue and collecting grass-roots feedback, ensuring a two-way communication channel between the workforce and senior stakeholders.

• Recommendation 4 - Develop and implement a communication strategy, which includes improving online resources as well as more engaging, participatory methods.

• Recommendation 5 - Adopt a systematic approach to identifying and addressing underlying risks to psychosocial wellbeing, including both operational and organisational stressors.

• Recommendation 6 - Consider creating roles, such as Health and Wellbeing Guardians, to reinforce senior leaders' commitment to wellbeing and ensure it is integrated into all organisational decision-making processes.

• Recommendation 7 - Develop a comprehensive, evidence-based development programme for line managers so they can lead for a culture of wellbeing. Ideally, this should be based on a learning needs analysis.

• Recommendation 8 - Clarify the approach to local wellbeing initiatives and create a supportive environment where managers feel confident and empowered to support their team’s wellbeing but in a way that is in line with consistent principles.

• Recommendation 9 - Develop a Theory of Change to map out the expected pathways from activities to desired outcomes, providing a foundation for ongoing monitoring and evaluation.

• Recommendation 10 - Adopt a process for ongoing reflection, assessment and improvement to continually evolve and mature the organisation’s approach to wellbeing.

Evaluation and Review Insights and Recommendations - HMICS Frontline Focus – Wellbeing Inspection

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