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Published: 27 July 2023

Gaelic Language Plan - Annual Return Form 2021-2022

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report sets out the progress that the Scottish Police Authority has made with delivery on the commitments contained in your Gaelic Language Plan between 5 October 2021 and 5 October 2022.

Other monitoring information

Pàrantan Corporra / Corporate Parenting

Am b’ urrainn dhuibh dàta a thoirt dhuinn air an àireimh de dhaoine òga le Gàidhlig a tha, no a tha air a bhith, fo chùram a tha clàraichte leis an Ùghdarras.
Please provide data on the number of Gaelic-speaking care experienced young people registered with the Authority.

N/A – the Scottish Police Authority is a corporate parent and developed its first Corporate Parenting Plan during 2021, However, our function is such that we do not have young people registered with us.


Am b’ urrainn dhuibh fiosrachadh a thoirt dhuinn air tachartasan no cothroman a tha sibh a’ cur air dòigh airson daoine òga le Gàidhlig a tha, no a tha air a bhith, fo chùram a tha clàraichte leis an Ùghdarras.
Please provide information on activities or opportunities you provide for Gaelic- speaking care experienced young people.

Our Corporate Parenting Plan commits to carrying out an annual roundtable with care experienced young people to understand how policing services impact on their lives from 2022 onwards.

The Authority’s Independent Custody Visiting Scheme (ICVS) monitors the welfare of people detained in police custody facilities throughout Scotland. Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) continue to prioritise the most vulnerable people in custody at the time of their visit. As such, there is an ongoing focus on children and young people in custody. Those in custody are asked if they have a language requirement. The ICVS 2020-21 Annual Review was translated in to Gaelic during the period of reporting for future publication.


Co-ionannachd / Equalities

An do chomharraich an t-ùghdarras poblach agaibh cùisean sònraichte sam bith co-cheangailte ri co-ionannachd chothroman a thaobh leasachadh na Gàidhlig?
Has your public authority identified any particular issues relating to equality of opportunity with regard to the development of Gaelic language?



A bheil poileasaidhean, modhan-obrach no dòighean-obrach sam bith co-cheangailte ri co- ionannachd a chaidh a chur an gnìomh leis an ùghdarras phoblach agaibh, no a tha gan cur an gnìomh an-dràsta, a bhuineas ri bhith a’ cur co-ionannachd chothroman air adhart an lùib leasachadh na Gàidhlig? An inns sibh dhuinn mun deidhinn?
Are there any equalities policies, procedures or measures that have been implemented by your public authority, or are in the process of being implemented, that are relevant to advancing the equality of opportunity in the development of Gaelic language? Can you tell us about them?

The Authority developed a Public Body Duty Reporting Framework which sets out, for all staff, the landscape of our public body duties. Staff can read about the requirements of each piece of legislation, how the Authority currently meets the requirements, future reporting due and oversight activity (where applicable). This Framework includes the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 so that all staff have an understanding of the requirements of the Act and the Authority’s duty to contribute to creating a sustainable future for Gaelic.

Linked to the above framework, an Impact Assessment Framework was implemented. SPA and SPA Forensic Services are required to innovate and make difficult resourcing and investment decisions. These decisions cannot be based solely on value for money, but must be made with the highest possible regard to wider impact on individuals and communities, such as Gaelic speaking communities and island communities. The framework brings together guidance, advice, contacts, and importantly, all the assessments in one place to support good practice in considering the consequence or effect that a decision will have on an individual, community or system.

The Forensic Services Equality and Diversity sub-group invited anyone who speaks Gaelic to contribute to improve work towards the Gaelic Language Plan in Forensic Services. The Chair of this group also sits on the SPA’s Impact Assessment Working Group to feed in to this on public body duties, including our responsibilities under the Gaelic Language Act, to ensure a coordinated approach to delivery of the commitments in our Gaelic Language Plan.


A bheil eisimpleirean ann de cheumannan sònraichte a ghabh sibh gus piseach a thoirt air in- ghabhail agus com-pàirteachas a tha air obrachadh gu sònraichte math a thaobh leasachadh na Gàidhlig taobh a-staigh an ùghdarrais phoblaich agaibh? An inns sibh dhuinn nam biodh sibh toilichte nan sgaoileadh Bòrd na Gàidhlig na h-eisimpleirean agaibh agus nan dèanamaid sanasachd orra.
Are there examples of implementing specific measures to improve inclusivity or engagement that have worked particularly well regarding Gaelic language development for your public authority? Please indicate if you would be happy for Bòrd na Gàidhlig to share and promote the examples provided.

Promoting simple phrases during Gaelic Language Week was well received by Forensic Services staff.

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