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Published: 27 July 2023

Gaelic Language Plan - Annual Return Form 2021-2022

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report sets out the progress that the Scottish Police Authority has made with delivery on the commitments contained in your Gaelic Language Plan between 5 October 2021 and 5 October 2022.

National Gaelic Language Plan Priorities

Cleachdadh na Gaidhlig / Using Gaelic

Ciamar a tha a’ bhuidhinn a’ toirt fàs air cleachdadh na Gàidhlig?
How is the organisation increasing the use of Gaelic?

Instructions on how to create a bilingual email signature are available on the Intranet and staff are encouraged to adopt this.

An aide memoire containing common phrases and numbers with both English and Gaelic translations and a corresponding phonetic guide for pronunciation was shared with all staff on various occasions.

Forensic Services staff were made aware of a list of useful websites and social media sites compiled which promote speaking Gaelic in a format which is accessible for non-native speakers, e.g. “Gaelic lessons in 60 seconds” to encourage staff members to try the language and to aid parents of children who are progressing through the Gaelic Language Medium. The aide memoire and useful websites were added to Forensic Services induction packs for new staff and to the intranet site. The Chair’s Note which opens the Forensic Services Belonging newsletter regularly opened and closed using Gaelic greetings.

World Gaelic Week (21-27 March 2022) was highlighted to all staff via the Intranet and newsletters, accompanied by the Gaelic aide memoir developed for staff to refer to for basic greetings / phrases. This included a reminder on how to adopt the bilingual email signature.

A session delivered by Fèisean nan Gàidheal took place in April 2022 for SPA Corporate and interested Forensic Services staff. This was an introduction to the language and its relevance in Scotland today intended to help us start to deliver the commitments in the second edition of our Gaelic Language Plan.


Ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig / Learning Gaelic

Ciamar a tha a’ bhuidhinn a’ toirt fàs air ionnsachadh na Gaidhlig?
How is the organisation increasing the learning of Gaelic?

As above, this is done in various ways - links to websites and social media sites offering Gaelic language learning are available to all staff on the Intranet; an aide memoire with common phrases is regularly signposted to staff to encourage the learning and use of Gaelic; and a Gaelic awareness session delivered to staff by Fèisean nan Gàidheal included an element of language learning of basic greetings/phrases.


A’cur air adhart na Gàidhlig / Promoting Gaelic

Ciamar a tha a’ buidhinn a’ cur deagh iomhaigh air adhart airson na Gàidhlig?

How is the organisation promoting a positive image of Gaelic?

Our website Contact Us and Complaints pages welcome written communication in Gaelic. Work to prepare a new website for launch considered how to make Gaelic content more accessible and how we can increase the Gaelic content on the main pages of the Authority’s website.

As above, World Gaelic Week (21-27 March 2022) was highlighted to staff to promote and recognise Gaelic as a living language. This also referred to the previously produced aide memoire of simple Gaelic words to help and encourage simple phrases.

Our duty under the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 to contribute to creating a sustainable future for Gaelic was referenced at public meetings of both the Authority and the Forensic Services Committee.

Preparation for the roll out of new SPA corporate branding, including a bilingual corporate logo, was undertaken during the period of reporting 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22 - roll out took place at the end of Oct 22. This affords equal respect to Gaelic in terms of visibility and is used on all our public platforms as well as at meetings of the Authority which are available to view by the public.

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Green icon representing a megaphone.

Gaelic Language Plan

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