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Published: 27 July 2023

Gaelic Language Plan - Annual Return Form 2021-2022

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report sets out the progress that the Scottish Police Authority has made with delivery on the commitments contained in your Gaelic Language Plan between 5 October 2021 and 5 October 2022.

Corporate Service Aims

Amasan airson Seirbhisean Corporra

Corporate Service Aims


Àrd Phrionnsabalan

Overarching Principles




Spèis Cho-ionann

A h-uile gealladh anns a’ phlana Ghàidhlig air a lìbhrigeadh dhan aon ìre anns a’ Ghàidhlig agus anns a’ Bheurla.

Equal Respect

Gaelic    language plan commitments delivered to an equal standard in both Gaelic and English.

In progress

Cothroman Follaiseach

Gnìomhan practaigeach gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil fios aig luchd-obrach na buidhne agus am poball daonnan air na cothroman a th’ ann gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh leis an ùghdarras phoblach.

Active Offer

Practical measures to ensure that staff and public are kept regularly informed of all opportunities that  exist  to  use  Gaelic  in relation to the work of the public authority.

In progress

Treas Phàrtaidhean

A’ dearbhadh gum bi ALEOs agus cunnradairean eile ag obair gus plana Gàidhlig an ùghdarrais phoblaich a chur an gnìomh.

Third Parties

Ensure that Arm’s Length Executive Organisations and other contractors help with the delivery of the public authority Gaelic language plan.


Gàidhlig na nì àbhaisteach

Geallaidhean bhon phlana Ghàidhlig air an gabhail a- steach ann an structaran an ùghdarrais phoblaich tro thìde, le sgrùdadh cunbhalach airson cothroman a chomharrachadh taobh a-staigh bhuidseatan stèidhichte gus Gàidhlig a thoirt air adhart.


Gaelic plan commitments are normalised within the structures of the public authority over time, with opportunities to grow Gaelic within existing budgets constantly assessed.

In progress

Pàrantan Corporra

Gu bheilear mothachail air na dleastanasan a th’ ann mar Phàrant Corporra gum bi a h-uile pàiste is neach òg fo chùram no a b’ àbhaist a bhith fo chùram le Gàidhlig a’ faighinn na h-aon cothroman ‘s a tha clann le cànain eile.

Corporate Parenting

That the authority is aware of the duties of a Corporate Parent to ensure that looked after children and young people and care leavers with Gaelic receive the same opportunities as those with other languages.

Complete / Implemented








Ag amas air suaicheantas corporra anns a’ Ghàidhlig agus anns a’ Bheurla a chruthachadh nuair a thig a’ chiad chothrom agus mar phàirt den phròiseas ùrachaidh. Bu chòir an aon ìre follaiseachd a bhith ann airson an dà chànain san t-suaicheantas.


Aim to render the corporate logo in both Gaelic and English at the first opportunity and as part of any renewal process. The logo should demonstrate equal prominence for both languages.

In progress

During the period of reporting (5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22), preparation for the roll out of new SPA corporate branding, including a bilingual corporate logo, was undertaken (roll out took place at the end of Oct 22).

Early work to develop a bilingual logo for SPA Forensic Services was undertaken with delivery planned during 2023.


Prìomh shoidhnichean air an dèanamh dà-chànanach nuair a thathar gan ùrachadh.


Prominent signage will include Gaelic and English as part of any renewal process.

Complete / Implemented

Conaltradh leis a’ phoball

Communicating with the public





  A’ toirt teachdaireachd bhrosnachail seachad gum bithear daonnan a’ cur fàilte air conaltradh a nì am mòr-shluagh ris an ùghdarras ann an Gàidhlig.



Positive message that communication from the public in Gaelic is always welcome.

Complete / Implemented

Conaltradh sgrìobhte

Bithear daonnan a’ gabhail ri conaltradh sgrìobhte ann an Gàidhlig (litrichean, puist-d agus na meadhanan sòisealta) agus thèid freagairtean Gàidhlig a thoirt seachad a rèir a’ phoileasaidh choitchinn.


Written Communication

Written communication in Gaelic is always accepted (post, email and social media) and replies will be provided in Gaelic in accordance with the general policy.

Complete / Implemented

Ionad-fàilte agus am fòn

 Nuair as urrainn do luchd-obrach le Gàidhlig an t-seirbheis seo a thoirt seachad, gheibh iad taic airson sin a dhèanamh, agus thèid sanasachd a dhèanamh air an t-seirbheis am measg a’ mhòr-shluaigh.


Reception and phone

Where Gaelic speaking staff are capable of providing this service, they are supported to do so and the service is promoted to the public.

Not commenced / Not implemented


  Thèid coimhead gu cunbhalach air na cothroman a th’ ann gus coinneamhan poblach a chumail gu dà-chànanach no ann an Gàidhlig, agus thèid sanasachd a dhèanamh orra.


Public meetings

Opportunities to hold public meetings bilingually or in Gaelic are regularly explored and promoted.

In progress








Prìomh fhiosan-naidheachd agus fiosan-naidheachd mu dheidhinn na Gàidhlig air an cuairteachadh sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Beurla.


News releases

High profile news releases and all news releases related to Gaelic are circulated in both Gaelic and English.

Not commenced / Not implemented

Na Meadhanan sòisealta

Thèid susbaint Ghàidhlig a sgaoileadh gu cunbhalach sna meadhanan sòisealta, agus sin a rèir an uiread luchd-cleachdaidh Gàidhlig a th’ ann agus a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann.




Social Media

Gaelic content distributed regularly through social media, guided by the level of actual and potential users

Not commenced / Not implemented

An Làrach-lìn

Bu chòir susbaint Ghàidhlig a bhith ri faotainn air làrach-lìn an ùghdarrais phoblaich, agus prìomhachas ga thoirt do na duilleagan a dh’fhaodadh an àireamh as motha de dhaoine a tharraing.



Gaelic content should be available on the public authority’s website, with emphasis given to the pages with the highest potential reach.

In progress

Foillsichidhean  Corporra

Thèid an ullachadh ann an Gàidhlig is Beurla, agus prìomhachas ga thoirt don fheadhainn a dh’fhaodadh an àireamh as motha de dhaoine a leughadh.


Corporate Publications

Produced in Gaelic and English, with priority given to those with the highest potential reach.

In progress

Tairbhe a’ Chànain

Bidh pròiseas ann gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig a gheibhear san fhiosrachadh chorporra uile aig deagh ìre agus gun gabh a tuigsinn



Language Utility

A process is in place to ensure that the quality and accessibility of Gaelic language in all corporate information is high.


Complete / Implemented


Bu chòir beachdachadh gu cunbhalach air cothroman gus taisbeanaidhean poblach a shealltainn gu dà-chànanach no ann an Gàidhlig, le prìomhachas ga thoirt don fheadhainn a dh’fhaodadh a’ bhuaidh as motha a thoirt air cùisean.


Opportunities to deliver public exhibitions bilingually or in Gaelic should be explored on a regular basis, with priority given to those with the highest potential impact.








Sgrùdadh air sgilean

Thèid sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air sgilean Gàidhlig an luchd-obrach agus na feumalachdan trèanaidh aca a thaobh Gàidhlig rè ùine gach plana.


Internal audit

Conduct an internal audit of Gaelic skills and training needs through the life of each plan.

Complete / Implemented

Language Audit carried out in May 2021 and will be carried out again during the life of the plan.

Fiosrachadh Inntrigidh

Bidh fiosrachadh mu Phlana Gàidhlig an ùghdarrais phoblaich mar phàirt den fhiosrachadh inntrigidh a gheibh luchd-obrach ùr.



Knowledge of the public authority’s Gaelic language plan included in new staff inductions

In progress

During the reporting period 5 Oct 21 – 5 Oct 22, the Staff Induction Handbook pointed new staff to a Framework which sets out the Authority’s full range of public body duties.

Trèanadh cànain

Thèid cothroman trèanaidh is leasachaidh airson sgilean Gàidhlig a thabhann don luchd-obrach, gu h-àraidh mar thaic do bhith a’ coileanadh Plana Gàidhlig an ùghdarrais phoblaich.


Language training

Gaelic language skills  training and development offered to staff, particularly in relation to implementing the public authority’s Gaelic language plan.

Complete / Implemented

Trèanadh le Fiosrachadh mun Ghàidhlig

Trèanadh le fiosrachadh mun Ghàidhlig, le prìomhachas air luchd-obrach aig àrd ìre, luchd co-dhùnaidh eile agus luchd-obrach air a bheil dleastanas a bhith a' conaltradh leis a' mhòr-shluagh.


Awareness training

Gaelic awareness training offered, with priority given to senior staff, other key decision makers and staff dealing directly with the public.


Complete / Implemented


A’ toirt aithne do is a’ cur sùim ann an sgilean Gàidhlig an lùib nam pròiseasan fastaidh air feadh an ùghdarrais phoblaich.



Recognising and respecting Gaelic skills within the recruitment process throughout the authority

Not commenced / Not implemented


Bidh Gàidhlig air a h-ainmeachadh mar sgil riatanach agus / no a tha na buannachd ann an tuairisgeulan obrach gus cuideachadh le bhith a’

cur a’ Phlana Ghàidhlig an gnìomh agus a rèir an stiùiridh bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson luchd-obrach fhastadh.



Gaelic named as an essential and / or desirable skill in job descriptions in order to deliver the Gaelic language plan and in accordance with the Bòrd na Gàidhlig recruitment advice.

Not commenced / Not implemented


Bidh sanasan-obrach dà-chànanach ann no ann an Gàidhlig a-mhàin airson a h-uile dreuchd far a bheil Gàidhlig na sgil riatanach.



Bilingual or Gaelic only job adverts for all posts where Gaelic is an essential skill.

Not commenced / Not implemented

Corpas na Gàidhlig

 Gaelic Language Corpus




Gnàthachas Litreachaidh na Gàidhlig 

Thèid cumail ris an tionndadh as ùire de Ghnàthachas Litreachaidh na Gàidhlig anns na stuthan sgrìobhaidh uile a thèid fhoillseachadh leis an ùghdarras phoblach. 

Gaelic Orthographic Conventions 

The most recent Gaelic Orthographic Conventions will be followed in relation to all written materials produced by the public authority. 


Complete / Implemented

All written materials are translated using an approved supplier.


Iarrar agus gabhar ri comhairle bho Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba air ainmean-àite Gàidhlig. 

Place names 

Gaelic place name advice from Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba is sought and used. 


Complete / Implemented

Not required to date


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Gaelic Language Plan

Published: 24 June 2024