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Published: 22 September 2023

Gaelic Language Plan - Annual Return Form 2021-2022

Category: Reports Gaelic
Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report sets out the progress that the Scottish Police Authority has made with delivery on the commitments contained in your Gaelic Language Plan between 5 October 2021 and 5 October 2022.

Primary Indicator Data

Fios bhon Phoball

Communications from the Public

Cia mheud brath sgrìobhte a fhuair am buidheann bhon phoball ann an Gàidhlig am-bliadhna?
How many written communications have the organisation received from the public in Gaelic this year?

None (during 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)

A’ sgaoileadh fiosrachaidh

Dissemination of information

Cia mheud pìos a sgaoil am buidheann air na meadhanan sòisealta ann an Gàidhlig am-bliadhna?

How many posts did the organisation distribute on social media in Gaelic this year?

None (during 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)

Cia mheud fios-naidheachd a chaidh a sgaoileadh leis a’ bhuidheann  anns      a’ Ghàidhlig am-bliadhna?

How many press releases did the organisation publish in Gaelic this year?

None (during 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)






Cia meud neach-obrach a fhuair cothrom trèanaidh ann an sgilean Gàidhlig am-bliadhna?

How many staff received Gaelic skills training this year?


c.50 – attended an online Gaelic awareness session which included some language skills.


c.650 – an aide memoire was circulated to staff with useful phrases in Gaelic.


Voluntary language learning opportunities are promoted via the staff Intranet and newsletter.

Cia mheud dreuchd a th’ agaibh an-dràsta far a bheil Gàidhlig ann mar sgil riatanach?

How many posts do you currently have where Gaelic is an essential skill?

None (as at 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)

Cia mheud neach-obrach a th’ agaibh an-dràsta aig a bheil sgilean Gàidhlig?

How many staff currently within the organisation have Gaelic skills?


17 – some understanding, e.g. greetings, simple conversation.

9 – some writing ability, e.g. simple greetings or sentences using a dictionary.

14 – some speaking ability, e.g. simple greetings

20 – some reading ability, e.g. signs or children’s books with pictures.


(Source: SPA Corporate and Forensic Services Audit - May 2021)


Foillseachaidhean Publications

Cia mheud foillseachadh a dh’fhoillsich am buidheann gu dà-chananach am-bliadhna?

How many organisational publications have been published bilingually (Gaelic and English) this year?


None (during 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)


However, nine publications were translated during this period for future publication. These were the ICVS Annual Review 2021-2022 and a suite of eight public briefings about topical policing issues or policing technologies.




Cia mheud soidhne dà-chànanach a chuir am buidheann an àirde am-bliadhna?

How many new bilingual signs has the organisation erected this year?


None (during 5 Oct 21-5 Oct 22)

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Green icon representing a megaphone.

Gaelic Language Plan

Published: 24 June 2024