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Published: 31 January 2024

Forensic Services Q3 Finance Report - 5 February 2024

Keywords : revenue capital reform

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of the Forensic Services Q3 Finance Report. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 5 February 2024

Date : 05 February 2024

Location : online

Further Detail on the Report Topic

• Q3 forecast is £0.5m under budget. Costs are lower due to staff recruitment falling behind budgeted figures. 
• Lower pay spend reflects the challenges in recruitment that Forensic Services has faced throughout 2023/24. 
• Capital spend year to date is behind budget. The Q3 forecast is a full year spend of £0.8m which is an (56%) underspend 
versus the full year budget.   
• This forecast underspend is driven by spend being paused if not legally committed by Police Scotland in order to help 
manage the capital spend in 2023/24 alongside slippage in projects and spend that is no longer required. 
• Overall spend is forecasted to be £0.4m under budget.  This reflects less staff resources being used during the year 
than budgeted as some projects have come to a close. 


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