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Published: 31 January 2024

Forensic Services Change Programme Update - 5 February 2024

Keywords : core operating Data Governance Project Deployment of Scene Examination Project benefits realisation

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of the Forensic Services Change Programme Update.  


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 5 February 2024

Date : 05 February 2024

Location : online

Benefits Realisation and Dashboard

Delivering benefits is the reason we have embarked upon our Forensic Services Strategic Change Programme. We want to demonstrate that, as a result of the changes we have introduced, we have improved how we work and are on track to deliver faster results, particularly in acquisitive crime.

Benefits need to be managed with the same care and attention as milestones, costs or risks. To this end we have developed our Benefits Realisation Framework to ensure that the benefits, as defined for each of our projects are tracked, monitored and evidenced to provide assurance that we have delivered what we set out to achieve.

Benefits Realisation and Investment in Change

Despite approval of the Full Business Case (FBC) for the new operating model for Forensic Services there was insufficient funding available within 2023/24 to provide the upfront investment required to implement the new model at pace and in line with the timescales in the Full Business Case.  In order to make progress with the implementation an efficiencies plan was developed to identify savings within Forensic Services to allow the priority elements of the model implementation to progress.

As part of the budget discussions for 2024/25, Forensic Services have agreed not to progress further implementation of the model that requires additional investment in the revenue budget for the organisation. In order to make further progress Forensic Services must continue to work on delivering efficiencies and also to maximise the benefits that are being delivered through the changes undertaken to date. Where year-on year-savings can be identified this will allow the further elements of the model to be implemented.

A revised timeline allowing for the complete implementation of the new model needs to be developed. This will be dependent on the Efficiencies plan for 2024/25 and anticipated benefits that will be realised as the current changes embed. Development of the next version of the Strategic Workforce Plan is also critical, taking into account the new operating model for Policing in Scotland as this develops over the year.

Deployment of Scene Examination - Project Update

Go Live of the National Tasking Unit on 3 April 2023 was a significant milestone achievement for Forensic Services.

  • The end project report has been completed and reviewed at the FS Change Programme Board.
  • Post Implementation Review workshops are in progress with this work being undertaken by Police Scotland Portfolio Assurance, this will be reviewed in the next Programme Board and will be provided to the May meeting of the Forensic Services Committee.
  • KPIs and baseline measures for benefit tracking are confirmed and being reported as part of the quarterly performance report.
  • Project benefits are being monitored and tracked as per our benefits realisation framework, however, we are already seeing a positive impact with regard to reduction in unnecessary scene attendance and increased evidence recovery at those scenes attended, an overall reduction in failure demand.

Data Governance - Project Update

Our Data Governance project will deliver robust data management processes to ensure full compliance with legislative requirements (split into two work streams, Data Protection Act and GDPR).

  • Business Justification Case has been approved at the Forensic Services Programme Board.
  • The project is tracking amber as a definitive position from the Information Commissioner is required. This is in relation to the extent of system development required to meet logging requirements as defined in the data protection legislation, this is expected to be resolved by Feb 24.
  • Priority activity is currently focused on the implementation of tactical data management plans to comply with general data protection regulations (GDPR)
  • GDPR plan is now in delivery stage with staff reducing mailbox sizes by 22%

FS Core Operating System - Project Update

The Forensic Services Core Operating System (FS COS) Project will deliver a fully-integrated & future- proofed single operating system, the migration of all data for in-scope systems and the decommissioning of un-supported legacy systems as required.

  • The project is tracking green, as we remain on track to deliver a Full Business Case (FBC) for submission by Q1 2024.
  • Given the scale and scope of the project, specialist professional services have been procured to support the Full Business Case development.
  • The procurement activity took longer than anticipated due to prioritisation challenges, however, the vendor is now in place and work has commenced.

FS Operating Model - Project Update

We remain committed to prioritising our people plan activity, seeking to minimise impact to our people as far as possible, whilst maintaining our current service delivery commitments. 

  • Resource, and financial challenges, have impacted upon the pace of implementation, however, we continue to make progress as far as possible with the transition to our new operating model.
  • Work on benefits tracking has been completed and a detailed tracker is in place to assess the impact of the change to the new operation model.
  • A refreshed work stream structure is now in place with leadership through the Operations Crime Managers supported by a Head of Function. These work streams will drive forward the implementation activity across the business with the initial work streams due to complete in April 24. Further phases of implementation will follow to bring improvement and to embed the principles of multi-skilling and to support career progression
  • The workflow planning tool has now been handed over to business as usual and will be maintained by the Forensic Systems Support Team in the future

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