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Published: 25 October 2023

Forensic Services Change Programme Update - 30 October 2023

Keywords : The National Tasking Unit Access to Laboratory Services Project Deployment of Scene Examination Project Operating Model Project Core Operating System Project Data Governance Project

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of the Forensic Services Change Programme Update. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 30 October 2023

Date : 30 October 2023

Location : online

FS Core Operating System - Project Update

The Forensic Services Core Operating System (FS COS) Project will deliver a fully integrated & future proofed single operating system, the migration of all data for in-scope systems and the decommissioning of un-supported legacy systems as required.

  • The project is tracking green as we remain on track to deliver a Full Business Case (FBC) for submission by the end of the financial year.
  • Given the scale and scope of the project we have sought to procure specialist professional services to support the FBC development.
  • The procurement activity took longer than anticipated due to prioritisation challenges, however, tender returns have been received and are currently under review and evaluation.
  • A progress update will be provided to the December meeting of the SPA Resources Committee.