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Published: 25 October 2023

Forensic Services Change Programme Update - 30 October 2023

Keywords : The National Tasking Unit Access to Laboratory Services Project Deployment of Scene Examination Project Operating Model Project Core Operating System Project Data Governance Project

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of the Forensic Services Change Programme Update. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 30 October 2023

Date : 30 October 2023

Location : online

Data Governance - Project Update

Our Data Governance project will deliver robust data management processes to ensure full compliance with legislative requirements.

•We have been advised that due to the scope of project, proceeding with a Business Justified Case (BJC) will be the most expedient way to progress this critical activity
•The initial business case (IBC) has been updated accordingly and will now be presented at the October FS Change Programme Board
•The project is tracking amber as a definitive position from the Information Commissioner is required. This is in relation to the extent of system development required to meet logging requirements as defined in the data protection