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Published: 19 April 2023

Forensic Services Change Programme Update - 1 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Forensic Services Change Programme Update.

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Forensics Services Committee - 1 February 2023

Date : 01 February 2023

Location : online

Project Update - Operating Model

Although two of the projects continue to show a RAG status of green and remain on track for delivery, the overarching programme status remains at amber due to the ongoing financial uncertainty and subsequent impact on implementation planning.

Project Update - Operating Model

Our new operating model seeks to build on our successful crime scene to court model in a way which allows for a swift co-ordinated response delivered at pace across the criminal justice system, especially in relation to volume crime, and fully aligned to our strategic objectives as defined above.

Specifically our new operating model will create a smarter, faster, more effective service that further increases the value Forensic Services can bring to our partners through:

Redesigned operational delivery model, structured around key capabilities, not scientific disciplines

Organisational restructure and roles redesigned to maximise the benefits of a new operational delivery model and provide improved levels of support and opportunities for staff

Introduction of new senior operational scientific roles providing increased levels of Forensic Service response and technical expertise across all serious, major or complex cases

Introduction of new Research, Development & Innovation, Training & Development, and Operations Support roles

Introduction of a new operational management structure providing an over-arching, dedicated, single point of contact, divisional Crime Scene to Court service

Centralised delivery of acquisitive crime response from Dundee and SCC and a strengthened local serious crime response

Update since last Forensic Services Committee - The Recruitment of key management and technical roles, which underpin the successfully delivery of our operating model, has been concluded, successful candidates notified and we continue to work with our PSoS People & Development partners for transition planning for the take up these new positions.

Implementation activity continues to progress, as we seek to establish our new Search & Recovery, Analysis and Reporting capabilities as expediently as possible, whilst ensuring we continue to deliver our core business to the standards required.   Our overall project plan (see below) remains on target for delivery Q3 2023/24 as per previously shared plans but the phasing of some components has been delayed as we await final confirmation of the SPA FS Budget allocation.  The project plan has been amended to reflect this.

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