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Published: 19 April 2023

Forensic Services Change Programme Update - 1 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Forensic Services Change Programme Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 1 February 2023

Date : 01 February 2023

Location : online

Core Operating System

The Forensic Services Core Operating System (COS) project will ensure that Forensic Services has an improved, fit for purpose core operating system which (a) underpins the successful delivery of the business benefits associated with implementation of our new operating model and (b) addresses the performance impact to arising from business challenges and performance issues with the current system.

The COS solution will have a number of components including Business and ICT requirements, data migration (covered within the Data Migration and Governance Project) and connectivity with existing and new Forensic Services systems and instruments. 

Specifically the COS solution will;

Facilitate more streamlined and efficient processes for capturing, storing, managing, recording, auditing and sharing of case related material and examination activity

Deliver the “fit for purpose” core operating system with the flexibility and capabilities critical for successful delivery of our new operating model

Enable faster processing and, where applicable automation, of case reporting through a system which has improved performance capacity to manage real time sharing of examination outcomes.

Deliver improved flexibility of integration with current and future forensic services systems and instruments without impacting system performance

Facilitate the collation, generation and reporting of management information to better support our demand management and performance measurement frameworks

The scope of the project will also include a data migration strategy to identify, transfer, or make available to our new core operating system all appropriate legacy data within Forensic Services which can be legitimately retained for lawful purposes.

Update since last Forensic Services Committee

The IBC is due for presentation at the February Forensic Services Committee and defines the options for consideration to be progressed to development of a full business case (FBC).  Six options for consideration have been included in the IBC and members will be asked to approve options recommended for progression as referenced in the IBC.  Options for consideration:


(1)    Do Nothing

(2)    Do absolute minimum to maintain the current operating system

(3)    Single stand-alone core operating system with no integration with FS applications & instruments

(4)    Single stand-alone core operating system & integration with FS applications

(5)    Single stand-alone core operating system & integration with both FS applications & instruments

(6)    Single stand-alone core operating system, full integration with FS applications & instruments and partner systems as applicable.

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