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Published: 01 May 2024

Forensic Services Business Plan - 7 May 2024

Keywords : strategy Performance Framework risk management people plan

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Forensic Services Business Plan.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensic Services Committee - 7 May 2024

Date : 07 May 2024

Location : Online

Further Detail on Report Topic

In developing the business plan consideration has been given to the current organisational challenges associated with:

  • Delivery of the performance framework and continuous improvement
  • Operational and strategic risk management and in particular risk that is outside of appetite and tolerance
  • The Directors annual priorities
  • Supporting our people

Link to the Performance Framework

The Performance Framework for Forensic Services was approved in October 2023 by the Forensic Services Committee.  This document sets out an effective approach to performance management which is important to the success of the organisation. It ensures that Forensic Services remain focused on what is important to the Scottish public, through collaboration with our partners, to continue delivering a high quality, timely, fit-for-purpose and value-for-money service.

The performance framework is, in effect, a summary of the key internal processes through which Forensic Services sets, delivers, monitors, and reports on its priorities; as such it encompasses elements of strategy, finance, performance, people and risk management.

The business plan is intrinsically linked to the performance framework as it highlights the short to medium term activity that needs to be prioritised to support improvement in particular areas of performance.

Link to Risk Management

Forensic Services utilises a risk management framework structure that supports a bottom-up approach to the escalation of risk and the fundamental principle that the risks at the two highest levels reflect cumulative risks. 

Effective identification, management and reporting of risk plays a key part in supporting delivery of FS objectives across the business from strategic to day-to-day services to partners.

Operational and strategic risks are reported to the Forensic Services Committee. Where risks are identified as being outside of the agreed level of appetite and tolerance, action plans prioritised to reduce the level of the risk within acceptable levels.

There are 7 out of 26 operational risks currently outside of appetite and tolerance. For each of these risks there are several mitigating actions in place that aim to manage and reduce the risk over time.  These actions are prioritised in the business plan and there is clear linkage between timescales of planned business activity and the management of risk.

Link to the People Plan

Forensic Services can only deliver an effective forensic service to our partners and the communities of Scotland with our people – highly-trained and qualified scientific and support staff - who collectively support the Criminal Justice System, Public Health and the public.

The people plan aims to provide strategic context and priorities for the organisation on people related matters, with a focus on:

  • Positive Culture Change
  • Practical methods to support our People

The Business Plan brings out the more critical projects from the people plan to put them in context with other planned activity across the organisation to ensure that they are appropriately emphasised and prioritised amongst other activities.

Link to the Directors Priorities

On an annual basis the Director of Forensic Services will set out their priorities for the year ahead. Activity associated with these priorities is set out in the business plan.

In considering all the demands on the organisation, it is important that the capacity available to undertake this work is considered to ensure that the plan is achievable and that the right focus is considered. The balance of all the elements described above have been considered in the development of the revised two-year business plan, which also encompasses some carry forward activity from last year.


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