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Published: 26 March 2025

FOI 2024/25-117 - Is Shetland part of Scotland / Authority to operate in Shetland

Category: FOI

Report Summary

Issued 14 March 2025, this FOI response explains that the Authority is not required to comply with the request as it is identical or substantially similar to previous recent requests.

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Your request for information dated Friday 7 March is copied below.

As part of your response to our previous FOI request, you stated:

“However, as part of our duty to assist, the Authority can confirm that the Shetland Islands are considered a part of Scotland for the role and responsibilities discharged by the Scottish Police Authority, and by association Police Scotland who police the Island.”

You do not say by whom “the Shetland Islands are considered a part of Scotland”, but you do agree that the presumption covers the alleged authority of Police Scotland.

Please provide specific information showing proof that Shetland is part of Scotland. This information is critical to your operations in Shetland and is something that should be at your fingertips. If you are not able to provide this information, it casts doubt upon the legitimacy of your activity in Shetland. If the information does not exist, your activity and that of Police Scotland in Shetland is fraudulent.

You will note that neither the UK or Scottish government ia able to show proof that the Crown owns Shetland. You may also be aware that the procurator fiscal in Lerwick declines to prosecute our people for routine alleged offences. Without the backing of the courts, any actions against our people is fraudulent and exposes the officers of Police Scotland to personal liability.

As an aside, you may not be aware that the Lerwick procurator fiscal admits that Shetland is not part of Scotland, that he is involved with others in operating false courts and fraud upon the people of Shetland and that there are two entities in any criminal case, the man or woman and a legal fiction ‘person’ with the same name, but spelled with capital letters. This now conclusively proved in the Lerwick Sheriff Court in terms of Section 258 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995.

It is only the legal fiction ‘person’ over which the court claims jurisdiction. The fraud in every single criminal case is getting the accused man or woman to agree they are the legal fiction ‘person’ by the clerk’s question (in the case of Joe Bloggs) “Are you JOE BLOGGS?”. Joe Bloggs can be relied upon to say “Yes”, thinking he was being asked his name, but the court takes it as his consent to be or to act as the legal fiction JOE BLOGGS. This seems to be the foundation of ‘policing by consent’.

Quite apart from the above fraud, It will be obvious to you that only if Shetland is part of Scotland, can Scottish or UK legislation apply here. Any reliance on such legislation in the absence of proof that Shetland is part of Scotland is a circular argument. We are looking for a treaty, or a document of that stature. Bland assurances or presumptions will not do.

If you have any doubt about the validity of this request, please refer to and click the link ‘Invalid Requests’.

If you do not hold this information, please expect further requests regarding proof of your authority, your business in Shetland and the validity of any of your past operations in Shetland. Our requests are sequential, dependent on each other and are not to be regarded as asking for the same or similar information in terms of the 2002 Act, nor are they asking for a legal opinion.

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