Report Summary
Issued 6 March 2025, this FOI response advises that information on pension scheme contributions since 2013 is not held by the Scottish Police Authority. Advice is provided that Police Scotland may hold information due to service back arrangements in place. A link to the Annual Report and Accounts is provided for information.
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The Scottish Police Authority has considered your request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA).
The Authority does not hold the information requested.
To explain, the information you requested is not held by the Authority but may be held by Police Scotland. This is because Police Scotland provides certain services to the Authority, in line with legislation. Services provided by Police Scotland include, for example, contract management, human resources and IT. This arrangement includes pensions administration which is coordinated by a team in Police Scotland. Where services like this are provided to the Authority, information may be held by Police Scotland rather than the Authority.
Therefore, information may be available by contacting Police Scotland at
Some information is available in the Authority’s Annual Report and Accounts, available on our website. However, this is information prepared to meet accounting standards and does not answer the questions raised.