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Published: 31 January 2025

FOI 2024/25-093 - Police officer workforce and wellbeing statistics over 10-year period

Category: FOI
Topic: Workforce
Commitee: People Committee

Report Summary

Issued 21 January 2025, this FOI review response provides information held by the Authority on police officer workforce and wellbeing statistics over a 10-year period. Advice is provided that Police Scotland may hold fuller information.

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To view as accessible content please use the sections below. (Note that some tables and appendixes are not available as accessible content).


Career Length

  1. What is the average length of service for police officers retiring or resigning from your force in the past ten years? - Please list the years separately.
  2. How many police officers have retired or resigned from the force each year over the past ten years?

Resignations and Retirements

  1. How many police officers have left the force (not including retirements) within the first five years of service, broken down by year, over the past ten years?
  2. What is the average length of service for officers who resign (as opposed to retire) from the force?

Reasons for Leaving

  1. What reasons have been recorded for officers resigning from the force over the past ten years? (e.g., career change, stress, mental health, public abuse)
  2. How many officers have specifically cited mental health, PTSD, or stress as reasons for leaving in exit interviews or other documentation over the past ten years?

Mental Health and Abuse

  1. How many serving officers have taken sick leave citing stress, PTSD, or other mental health conditions, broken down by year, over the past ten years?
  2. How many complaints or reports of public abuse (e.g., verbal, physical) against officers have been recorded in the past ten years?

Recruitment and Retention

  1. What is the average length of service for new recruits joining the force in the past ten years?
  2. How many new recruits left the force within their probationary period in each of the last ten years?

Optional Data Points

  1. What initiatives or programs are in place to support officers’ mental health and retention?
  2. What is the force’s current officer retention rate, and how has this changed over the past ten years?

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