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Published: 31 May 2024

FOI 2024/25-026 - Angus Robertson Sinclair arrest, conviction and sentencing

Report Summary

Issued 21 May 2024, this FOI response advises that arrest, conviction and sentencing information is not held by the Scottish Police Authority. Advice is provided that Police Scotland, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscals Service (COPFS) and the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service may hold information.

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Angus Robertson Sinclair
Born 07/06/1945.
(Now Deceased)

Can you please confirm the following regarding the subject SINCLAIR (From back record converted digitised/Microfiche records previously held with the Scottish Criminal Records Office ( SCRO)-This digitised information may be held at PNC Headquarters

1.The dates Sinclair was arrested and charged and then later convicted of in relation to a Firearms offence/s which he was arrested for in 1979.

2.The length of sentence that he received for this aforementioned firearm/s offence/s committed in 1979.

3.Confirm whether Sinclair was initially remanded and thereafter released on Bail in 1979 for these aforementioned firearm/s offence/s and confirm any of these relevant dates.

4.The dates and loci of all the sexual offences that Sinclair had been charged and later pled guilty to and convicted of between 1978 and 1982 which he received a life sentence for.(All crimes committed within the Glasgow area)

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