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Published: 20 May 2024

FOI 2024/25-022 - Information relating to moving an abnormal load

Category: FOI

Report Summary

Issued 8 May 2024, this FOI response advises that information on operational policing matters is not held by the Scottish Police Authority. Advice is provided that Police Scotland may hold information.

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A wide load, escorted by police officers / vehicles and civilian staff / vehicles transited the A9 Dual Carriageway between the roundabout with the (B824, B8033, A9 and M9) at Dublane and the roundabout with the (A9, M90) at Perth a distance of 26.1 miles, travelling at a speeds between 10mph and 20mph, at approximate 1pm on Wednesday 1st May 2024. Quadrupling a typically 13 Minute journey to approximately 1 Hour.

I write under the Act detailed above to obtain all information held by the Scottish Police Authority / Police Scotland, relating to pre-action decision making, impact assessment, commercial arrangements and operational aspects.

Including but not limited to:

• The nature of Asset being Transported Commercial or Governmental.
• The contact details of the owner of the Asset being transported.
• The contact detail of the operator of the Wide Load Vehicle / Support Vehicle(s).
• The rank, department, region of the officer who made the decision to allow the load to be transported during weekday, business hours.
• The number of officers, vehicles, etc engaged in escorting the convoy.
• The fees levied by Police Scotland for escort duties
• The Police Scotland Policies and Procedures applicable to the escorting and transportation of wide loads.
• The impact assessments undertaken Environmental, Public, Traffic, Etc
• The number of vehicles caught up in the following traffic jam.
• The traffic jam length
• The time taken for the wide load to transit the above named route.
• The time taken for the traffic to disperse
• The impact on other roads, before, during and after the wide load convoy.
• The Police Scotland Policies and Procedures for the calling of Police Officers as witnesses in a Civil Action.

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