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Published: 16 May 2024

FOI 2024/25-006 - Microsoft Cloud Services and ICO correspondence

Category: FOI

Report Summary

Issued 6 May 2024, this FOI response provides information held related to Microsoft Cloud Services and correspondence from the ICO.

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You were recently kind enough to respond to a request (Your Ref: 2023/24-104) in which you were able to make only a partial disclosure on the grounds of encountering a cost barrier.

I am very grateful for the information provided since it highlighted some material which I would like - in a new and more focussed request - to now receive.

Request Element 1:
I would be grateful if the SPA can provide me with a list of any Microsoft Cloud Services identified by them as not operating fully within the UK, or requiring international transfer of customer data during their discussions with the Authority, or as a result of any other direct disclosures in the past year made by Microsoft to the SPA.


In addition, I was recently made aware by the Scottish Government of a letter sent to them from the ICO on or around 2nd April of this year relating to guidance on the use of Cloud Services which may include international transfers under Part 3 of the DPA 2018.
This was after the date of my last FOISA request to you, in which you identified you had received no updated guidance, and I therefore believe it is legitimate to ask this follow up.

Request Element 2:
Because I am aware Scottish Government have received a letter from the ICO on 2nd April, and I believe SPA may also have been sent one as a DESC participant, I would like to receive a copy of any letter received by SPA between the time of my last request (27/02/24) and this current one.

I hope these follow ups will not be unduly burdensome, and do not envisage any need for further follow up once these have been dealt with.

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