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Published: 24 April 2024

FOI 2024/25-001 - Record of media reports about activities of Police Scotland

Report Summary

Issued 12 April 2024, this FOI response confirms the Authority maintains a record of media reports related to the activities of Police Scotland.

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The Authority does maintain a record of media reports related to the activities of Police Scotland.

The Authority has a contract with Onclusive media monitoring which supports the Authority to track and manage media reporting about a range of issues related to policing in Scotland. This covers print, broadcast and social media platforms. This contract allows the Authority to login and review coverage which is identified and focused on the Scottish Police Authority and key topics related to Police Scotland such as, funding, technology, policing mental health, children in custody or coverage about or quoting senior Police Scotland officers. Monitoring covers a 28-day period.

The Authority also maintains and distributes an e-mail to an internal distribution list summarising media and parliamentary interest in policing. This is issued Monday-Friday where resourcing allows.

In addition, the Authority has retained a small number of relevant media articles, downloaded from Onclusive or the internet, covering issues such as the welfare of those held in police custody, Police Scotland’s use of taser, Police Scotland’s approach to policing COVID-19 and the recruitment of Senior Police Officers.

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