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Published: 02 February 2024

FOI 2023/24-081 - Research into the unsolved murder of Kathleen Veitch

Report Summary

Issued 24 January 2024, this FOI response advises that information on the investigation in to the murder of Kathleen Veitch is not held by the Scottish Police Authority. Advice is provided that Police Scotland may hold information.

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I am undertaking research into the life and unsolved murder of Kathleen Veitch.

Kathleen was born on 24/4/1907 in Dollar, Clackmannanshire and was found murdered in Elie, Fife on 11/3/1968. This is an unsolved murder so I am hoping that the paperwork still exists.

This information is requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

When was Kathleen reported missing?

I’ve attached a newspaper cutting which verifies the evidence I have used to ask the following questions.

The items missing, the key fob with St Christopher and the gold watch.

Were these items recovered and if so where?

The number on the key fob FS928, I did check that Wilmot Breeden were used on the Morris Minor.

Was Kathleen’s car found and if so where? I have the registration numbers of the 2 vehicles she owned.

Kathleen was reported as being found naked, there was some mention of clothing being found on the beach. Were these items from Kathleen’s body and were they all of her clothing, or were other items missing?

When was the clothing found?

If the key fob and gold watch were not recovered. In 2009 the BBC covered 32 pieces of jewellery found in Tobin’s house. The link to Sussex Police high resolution photos no longer works.

Can you confirm that the St Christophers and ladies watches in the Tobin items did not include Kathleen’s. Obviously the numbers inside the watch back would make identification relatively easy.

On the 27th February 1968 there was a report of a molestation at or near Ardross Farm. Was the perpetrator caught? If so was there any consideration of them in Kathleen’s murder?

Given the initial suspect, William Allan was involved in a fatal accident before the discovery of Kathleen’s body. William Allan was not charged.

What intrigued me was the fire at Elie Station on 22/6/68. Can you confirm that there was a full forensic sweep of that building after Kathleen’s body was found and before the fire?

Assuming it was checked was anything found linking it to Kathleen’s murder?

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