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Published: 18 July 2023

FOI 2023/24-018 - Finance and procurement information

Category: FOI

Report Summary

Issued 5 July 2023, this FOI response provides finance and procurement information held and explains why some of the information is exempt from disclosure.


  1. Who is the Accountable Officer for the Scottish Police Authority and the Police Service of Scotland, to included role, name and date of appointment?
  2. A copy of the Procurement Manual and associated procedures for the Scottish Police Authority and the Police Services Scotland current as of 20th April 2023
  3. A copy of the full Asset Register of the Scottish Police Authority  and the Police Service of Scotland as at 20th April 2023 detailing
    1. Fixed Assets by accounting classification and itemised
    2. Moveable Assets by accounting classification and itemised
    3. Stores and Inventory and itemised
  4. The most up to date copy of the annual stocktake of Stores
  5. The procedures and systems, including electronic systems,  used by the Head of Procurement in terms of both Controlled Stores and Departmental Stores to regulate the stores records for receipt of goods, issues and return to stores and losses
  6. Copies of the latest Internal and External Audit reports in relation to 5 above.
  7. Details of all losses recorded in relation to 5 above in the last applicable annual accounting period
  8. Details of the number and location of the Controlled Stores
  9. Details of the number and location of the Department Stores
  10. The current financial criteria used by the Scottish Police Authority and the Police Service of Scotland for the capitalisation of purchases at both contract level and individual item purchased level
  11. Details of any delegation of authority from the Accountable Officers between the Scottish Policy Authority and the Police Service of Scotland and any subsequent delegation of authority within those organisations

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