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Published: 13 March 2023

FOI 2023-020 - ICT Strategy and Procurement Strategy

Report Summary

Issued 2 March 2023, this FOI response advises that the Authority's Procurement Strategy is publicly available and provides a link. It also explains that the Authority does not have its own ICT Strategy/staff as ICT services are provided to the Authority by Police Scotland. A link to to Police Scotland's ICT Strategy is provided and advice that Police Scotland may hold information.


In relation to points 1 and 2, the Scottish Police Authority does not hold the information you have requested. Therefore, this represents a notice in terms of Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

To explain, ICT services are provided to the Authority by the Digital Division of Police Scotland. Therefore, the Authority does not have its own ICT Strategy, Plan or staff.

To assist, the link below provides the current version of Police Scotland’s Digital, Data and ICT Strategy from 2018:-

Information may be available by contacting Police Scotland. Information on how to make a request to Police Scotland is available at –

In relation to point 3, we can confirm that the Authority holds a Procurement Strategy. This is publicly available, therefore the following exemption is applicable - Section 25(1) of the Act - information otherwise accessible. The authority considers that the information is already available, therefore there is no need to provide an alternative right of access to it through FOISA.

The link below provides the current Procurement Strategy for 2021-2023

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