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Published: 16 February 2023

FOI 2023-004 - Children's Rights reporting 2017-20 and 2020-23

Report Summary

Issued 3 February 2023, this FOI response provides information on the Authority's Children's Rights Report for periods 2017-20 and 2020-23.


Children’s Rights Report 2017-20
1. A weblink or copy of your published report covering the first 3 year period (1 April 2017 – 31 March 2020).
Response: Our Children’s Rights Report 2017-2020 is publicly accessible on our website and is linked below for assistance:
Children's Rights report 2017-2020

2. However, if you have not yet published a report for this period can you confirm (yes/no) if you intend to do so,
2.1 And if yes, an indication of when it will be published.
Response: Not applicable.

3. Has your authority started work on preparing this report? Yes/No.
Response: Yes, the Authority collates information throughout the year on events and initiatives in relation to children and young people. This information forms the basis of content and statistical information contained in our published report.

4. When do you intend to publish the report?
5. Will it be published as a separate report or as part of another report? Yes/No. For example, within your annual report.
Response: The Authority intends to publish a dedicated Children’s Rights Report for 2020-2023 by 30 September 2023.

5.1 And if ‘yes’, published as part of another report – can you provide the name/description of the other report?
Response: Not applicable.

6. Are you producing a joint report with another authority? Yes/No.
Response: No.

6.1 And if ‘yes’ – which authority?
Response: Not applicable.

7. Do you intend to create a child friendly version of the report? Yes/No.
Response: No.

8. Please provide the name and contact details of the overall lead within your authority for preparing the report.
Response: Scott Ross, Head of Change and Operational Scrutiny, Scottish Police Authority

9. Please do add in any additional information you would like to share regarding the process used to develop the report – for example whether you have involved children and young people in drafting it, whether you adopted the cluster approach as recommended by the relevant Scottish Government guidance, or the governance process used for sign off.
Response: The Authority is the primary governance and oversight body for policing in Scotland. We consider closely any proposals, interactions or policies in relation to children and young people. To aid our scrutiny, we work closely with Children's and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ), Social Work Scotland and other bodies including Local Government to shape views of policing’s interactions with children and young people. We have recently delivered, with partners, an event to explore Places of Safety for Children in Conflict with the Law.

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