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Published: 07 October 2022

FOI 2022-002 - Estates - property owned/rented/leased - 2021 - Information not held by SPA

Category: FOI
Topic: Estate

Report Summary

This FOI response confirms that the information requested - estates related - is not held by the Scottish Police Authority and advises that Police Scotland may hold the information.


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Please could you provide a full list of property owned by Scottish Police Authority including addresses, could you please include details where joint ownership or a similar agreement exists between Police Scotland and other organisations such as a neighbouring police force. 

Please could you provide a full list of property rented or leased by Scottish Police Authority with addresses, used for a policing purpose or residential use by Scottish Police Authority.

In the past 12 months has Scottish Police Authority rented any properties on a short term basis and if so could you please provide details including rent paid and any deposits or similar provided as part of the rental or lease of the property.

During the same period has Scottish Police Authority disposed of any buildings previously used for policing or in support of policing, if so please provide details of the building(s) disposed of.

Can you provide details of how buildings and estate are managed by Scottish Police Authority on behalf of Policing within your force area.  

For clarity when I refer to property I mean buildings such as bases, offices, police stations, or other buildings used in support of a policing purpose.

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