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Published: 07 March 2023

Fixed Penalty Notices During the Pandemic - Public Briefing - October 2021

Keywords : COVID-19

Report Summary

A Public Briefing outlining analysis of Fixed Penalty Notices issued during the COVID-19 pandemic. Published in October 2021.

Geographical Profile of FPN Recipients

There was substantial variation across police divisions in the number of people who received FPNs.  These differences narrowed after taking account of population size, although there was still some variation, as shown in the figure below. 

The rate of people issued with FPNs was highest in the West of Scotland and lowest in the North of Scotland.  By division, rates were highest in Greater Glasgow and lowest in the Lothians and Scottish Borders.

There was very little difference across divisions in terms of the sex, age or criminal history profile of those who received FPNs. 

There was a substantial difference in the proportion of FPN recipients living in the most deprived communities across divisions; however, this did vary in line with the deprivation profile of these areas. 

A few divisions had a higher than expected percentage of FPN recipients living in more deprived communities, including the North East, Highland & Islands and Dumfries & Galloway divisions; although this may have reflected people travelling into these areas rather than those living there.

Tayside and Highland & Islands divisions had the highest overall percentage of repeat FPN recipients; however, these divisions issued very few FPNs overall.

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