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Published: 11 August 2023

Fair Work Annual Assessment - 31 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with details of the Fair Work Annual Assessment.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 31 May 2023

Date : 31 May 2023

Location : online

Annual Assessment

The Scottish Government Guidance outlines the need to embed Fair Work considerations as part of the budget setting process stating there is a need to:

Identify Fair Work First priorities.
Monitor and provide evidence of progress towards meeting the Fair Work First criteria as part of sponsorship/funding arrangements.
Consider further action the body could take to enhance their Fair Work approach.
Describe how organisation is meeting and/or intends to advance Fair Work First Criteria and timescales for doing so as part of agreement of annual priorities with relevant Scottish Government policy/sponsorship teams.
Agree priorities in collaboration with the appropriate workforce representatives.
Include a jointly agreed short statement on the external facing website highlighting the commitment to advancing the Fair Work First Criteria.

The key priorities for the first annual assessment are to:

Establish an initial baseline in relation to the delivery of Fair Work.
Establish an effective annual assessment process that is streamlined, adds value and is supported by all stakeholders (e.g. P & D SMT, PS Executive, People Committee, Unions and Statutory Staff Associations).
Ensure that areas for development are built into People Strategy refresh planning.
Support an ability to coherently outline choices that require to be made in terms of prioritisation based on any resourcing/funding limitations.


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