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Published: 07 May 2024

Evaluation of Committee Effectiveness - 9 May 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of findings from the 2023-24 Committee Effectiveness process, and assurance on the effectiveness of their contribution to the Authority’s governance arrangements.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 9 May 2024

Date : 09 May 2024

Location : online

Summary of Findings

A summary of responses is included in Appendix A.

There were 30 responses in total, from a possible 34 (a response rate of 88%). Overall findings were very positive. All Members reported that committees operated effectively during the year, and the trajectory is one of continuing improvement.

All Members confirmed that each committee they participate in had fully discharged its responsibilities in line with its terms of reference.

Improvements and strengths highlighted by Members during 2023/24 include:
• All Members agreed that there was improvement in the three areas of focus from the 2022-23 effectiveness review: the work of each committee is appropriately transparent; corporate support for committees has improved: and there is improved coordination and awareness of work across committees and the board.
• All Members considered that committee Members have the right balance of experience, knowledge, and skill to fulfil their role on each committee.
• All Members are confident in providing appropriate challenge, agreeing a position and decision making.
• Minutes are accurate and appropriate, and committees are advised and confident about when it is necessary to consider items in private session.
• All Members agreed or strongly agreed that committee remits remain relevant, manageable, and fit for purpose. However, some challenge in the scope and scale of the Policing Performance Committee’s remit was referenced.
• Committee development days and “deep dive” discussions on specific issues were referenced as of considerable benefit.
• All Members agreed that the work of committees ensure visibility on matters of public interest and reflect strategic priorities.
• All Members agreed briefing notes have improved and make use of briefings. All considered that it is important that these continue to be provided for Members and for the public on issues of significant public interest.
• Improvements in the quality of papers were noted – all but one respondent considered that reports to committee are improving - and further suggestions for ongoing improvement were highlighted.
• All but two responses indicated that the committee’s work has reflected the focus on organizational culture; and all but one respondent indicated that the committee’s work reflects the focus on capacity and capability.

Areas identified for development or further exploration include:
• The need for ongoing monitoring and improvement in the appropriateness and accessibility of committee reports. There was very positive feedback from many members on the improvement in committee papers. However, further scope for improvement in clarity and appropriateness was highlighted, reflecting that this is a work in progress.
• Some slippage against agreed timelines for some pieces of work, with scope to be more realistic in setting timelines, and to strengthen the Committee’s ability to track related progress.
• 2 responses from 30 (6.6%) did not agree that equality, human rights and community impacts are increasingly reflected in reports to committee.
• Ensuring briefing notes cover key risks, the governance journey, strategic context, issues and any gaps in control. 2 of 30 responses indicated that this was not always fully covered.

The effectiveness review is part of the Authority’s control framework which aids continuous improvement and reflection, and the annual governance review. Officers will consider the findings of each committee effectiveness survey to support the delivery of any related improvements in conjunction with Committee Chairs and Members. The overall findings will inform the accountability report of the annual report and accounts (ARA) and the Governance Review process 2024-25.


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