Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Human Rights Independent Review Group (EDIHR IRG) – Interim Report.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 25 May 2023
Date : 25 May 2023
Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow
There are financial implications for Police Scotland. IRG members are remunerated for their time spent and all reasonable expenses are reimbursed.
There are no new direct personnel implications associated with this report. The IRG are supported by the already established Police Scotland EDI Secretariat.
There are legal implications in this report. This update and the work contained within supports compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
There are reputational implications for Police Scotland. The work of the IRG supports Police Scotland to deliver on its strategic priorities. It will assist to fulfil Police Scotland’s commitment within its Policing Together Strategy, People Strategy and EDI Employment Framework to provide the best possible working environment in which its workforce can thrive. This in turn enables the workforce to provide the best possible service to the communities of Scotland enhancing public trust and confidence.
There are social implications in this report. Members of the IRG are reflective and representative of society providing expertise and knowledge relative to communities of Scotland. Through their vast experiences dealing with matters of equality, diversity and inclusion they will support Police Scotland to ensure
continued delivery of high quality service which is sensitive to the needs of diverse communities.
The work scrutinised and supported by the IRG will not only bring improvements to service provision but will enhance employee relations and improve policing culture to the benefit of officers and staff, promoting Police Scotland as an employer of choice.
There are community implications in this report. The IRG will support the work carried out to recruit, retain and develop a diverse workforce. This will include scrutiny and improvement to training and development at all levels of the organisation. Without a well skilled, supported and motivated workforce the confidence placed in service delivery and the legitimacy of policing communities could be compromised.
There are equality implications in this report. The content of this this paper will positively support equality, diversity and human rights in the workplace ensuring Police Scotland is accessible as an employer to all our communities.